Chapter 5

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--A small town in Central New York--

(Kim's POV.)

Just a normal global class, I was frantically trying to find my Virals books , which Sean was hiding all over the class room. I found one in Kenny's binder. Pssh . Like he'd have a book that thick with him.

"I can't believe that it took you that long to find the stupid book." Sean doesn't appreciate good literature

"It's not stupid, you just don't understand it " with that said I sat down and went deep into thought.

It would be amazing to be a Viral. Flaring would be the best thing in the world, after all ,as Tory says human senses are inferior. Plus I kinda have a crush on Hiram Stolowitski. Don't ask me why, I just do. Besides I would definitely fit in with the group after all I am a science nerd.

A loud laugh beside me crashed my train of thought. Nate, his laughter is quite contagious so I couldn't help but smile. Until I realized what he was laughing about. Sean had taken my books again, what's his problem? I scurried over to a shelf and retrieved the copy of Terminal he had hidden.

"You're dumb." Sean said, I rolled my eyes at him ,My 124 IQ says otherwise, I thought.

I sat down in my desk, next to my best friend Diamond. She was wearing her boyfriend Kobie's jacket, he sat right behind her. She thinks I'm crazy for reading so much. But I'm just a reader that's what I do.

I slipped back into my thoughts for the rest of the block, holding onto my books so the boys didn't get them again.

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