part two - xxxvii.

Start from the beginning


I bit down on a pickle, the crunching filling my needs of crunchy food. I brought the spoon of yogurt up to my mouth and took another bite of the pickle. I brought some angel hair noodle that had butter mixed in it. I drank some ice tea, burping loudly. Killian stared at me wide eye across the counter and I arched my eyebrow as I bit the pickle, "What? I had a busy stressful day, I need comfort food." I said as I ate more noodles. I spoke with a mouth full, "I been shouted, yelled, and almost spite in from today. I must be crazy thinking this was gonna be easy. Raiding was easier than this."

He twirled the noodles around the fork, "If I haven't seen you eat like this before I would think you were pregnant." he said. "I seen you put syrup on mac n cheese."

I groaned, "Oh man, I should have that tomorrow. Thanks for the craving." I sarcastically said.

He placed his chin on the palm of his hand, "I saw the place where Tamaz live and it's so beautiful Mat. So much land and all the mountains. Now that it's almost spring, the grass is so green. He has such a beautiful old fashion castle."

"A castle?" I questioned.

He grinned, "Been in his family since the seventeenth century. It's not huge but it's big. He done allot of remodeling to it." he said.

"You two are worse than girls. Always on the phone." I said as I walked over towards him. He reached up, running his finger across the left edge of my mouth where some melted butter was. I smiled at him, rubbing my cheek against his palm for affection, "I'm excited, I am. Nothing gonna stop us from going, promise."

He stood up, "Good, nothing better." he said, leaning down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting the side of my head on his chest. His arms locked around me as he sighed, "My annoying stubborn brash beautiful strong wife." I smiled as I giggled, bring my arms up around his neck as I held onto him. I felt so relaxed and felt comfort in his arms like I always have.


I picked up my purple graduation gown from my bed and slipped it on. I turned to face my phone where Zakaria was watching me and I held my hands up, "Well, do I look graduation ready?" I asked.

"The purple looks beautiful with your red hair." he said, making me smile. I turned to face my mirror, examining myself and everything did seem fine. My hair, makeup, and outfit. Yet I was so nervous when I don't know why. All I have to do is walk up on stage when they call my name, take my diploma, and walk off going back to my seat. I guess I was nervous because it actually means I finished something I didn't expect I could do. I never thought I could survive four years of high school going with human kids. I use to wanna puke at the thought of going with them but I learned how to live with them and forget they were even human.

Emily appeared at my door, "Ready, Elle?" she asked. "Oh Zakaria, hi!" she said as she went over towards my phone. "Excited for our Ellie?"

"Well yes, I wished to be there for her but of course my brother doesn't want me to leave the country without him." he said, rolling his eyes. "I hope you two walk across the stage with your head held high."

Emily grinned, "I'll walk on it like I'm on a runway." I rolled my eyes, lightly pushing her away and she glared at me before giggling, "Come on, we gotta be there by six."


Waiting near the steps of the stage, I placed my hand against the wall as I looked out in the auditorium where hundreds of people were watching us take out diploma. So many flashes of camera, so little space it felt. My stomach was in knots, feeling somehow trapped but I tried not to let it all get to me. Why could the auditorium be bigger?

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