He then smiles and chuckles. "Oh, you should've seen your face!"

I groan and approach him again. He's slightly drunk, even from the few shots he's had. "Come on," I say, grabbing his arm.

"You're dirty," he slurs, smirking slightly.

"Just shut your drunk mouth, will you?" I growl, unable to stand more of this drunk talk.

He chuckles. "Just having fun."

I let go of his arm and snap my head towards him. "No! There IS no such thing as fun anymore!" I yell, my face turning a bright red. "Don't you see the world we live in now?! I don't care if you're drunk; no one has the right to say that! My family's dead! I don't know who the hell I really am! We're fighting for our lives! And you want to have fun?!"

I pause, gasping for air, when I realize everyone in the club is staring at me. Even the drunk Minho and Jorge, who look a little taken back by my outburst. I sigh, trying to remain calm. Then, Jorge's shocked facade wears away and he cracks a smile.

"Fiery," he slurs.

I hold back the urge of punching him, and instead ignore the stares I'm currently receiving and drag Minho and Jorge behind me.

I meet up with Thomas, who has Brenda and another boy Glader.

"Newt has Lucy and Harriet," Thomas explains.

I nod, and almost laugh because of our current situation.

We safely make it back to where Jackie and Kelly are, and tell them to make sure our friends don't run off. We notice that Newt hasn't arrived back yet with Harriet and Lucy. Sighing, Thomas and I head back into the crowd of people in search for the others.

I randomly tap people on their shoulders, hoping one of them will be someone I know. None of them are. I tap on another shoulder, and the person swings around. Their eyes lock with mine. Shit.

Well, unfortunately, it seems as if when Thomas, Jackie, and Kelly killed the bad guys, it looks like they missed the biggest one of all.

Jett stares at me menacingly, and before I can alert Jackie and Kelly, or anyone really, he closes a sweaty hand down on my mouth. I struggle, flailing my arms and legs. The drunk infected people laugh at the scene, as if they think Jett is just flirting with another girl. And at this point, I can't tell if they're acting loopy because of the alcohol, or because of the Flare is deteriorating their sanity. How have I not lost it like them yet? For some people, does it take longer for the Flare to affect them?

Jett drags me away, his hand still clamped over my mouth. I continue to struggle as I feel my energy being drained. Eventually my efforts diminish, as I realize it's no use to try and fight anymore. I just have to hope Thomas or Newt sees me while they look for friends.

Jett forcefully shoves me into a wall, my shoulder bursting with pain. "What do you want?" I ask, wincing in pain.

He smirks sinisterly, and then narrows his eyes. "What do I want?! Let's see, you didn't drink my beverage I made just for you, you poured that shit in my eyes, and your little friends nearly killed me! Wanna take a guess?"

"Chill out, dude! You're infected with the Flare. You don't need to be getting wasted!" I reason with him.

"Why so worried? Is there something you know that I don't?" he asks, his voice getting colder.

The Trigger (A Newt fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora