Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
New Abilities

I own nothing expect Julia and the plot!


Achlys crouched over her knees, folding her hands in front of her in a pondering state. Annabeth just escaped from her simulation. Julia was over the edge with being buried alive. Achlys could win this if Julia doesn't succeed. Achlys checked the time and grimaced.

There's a fifty fifty chance of me wining. She thought and her look hardened.

Her eyes came back to the survivors. The group was watching the last three. Achlys smiled to herself, once the clock hits 12:00 AM then she can kill these pathetic demigods off and deliver Julia to her "boss." Achlys had a plan. Achlys rose from her throne, startling the demigods. She needs to slow the survivors down.

"A change in the rules! Anything that happens to the bodies of final three in their dream state happens to their physical bodies!"

"No!" Piper screamed in fright for Jason. Who knows what would happen if he tried to eat another stapler?!

"Percy!" Annabeth cried and fell to her knees inside her own little bubble. She hugged her knees and cried into them. Her blonde wavy hair was sprawled out over her back.

Gods help them...


Julia screamed in pain as dark purple and blue marks covered her body. They weren't bruises but plainly marks, but they hurt like hell. Small particles floated around them and the marks grew, covering more areas of her body. The marks sizzled, with what seems like acid. Her breathing picked up as she banged on the stone ceiling of the box she was buried in. Her fists had nothing against solid rock though. The marks stung as the grew and got darker in color. Even the tears streaming down her cheeks got infected and they evaporated. Julia took a deep breathing before scraping her nails against the rock. The nails against stone made a terrible sound and Julia blocked her ears.

"L-let me out!" She hit her knee against the stone. Julia clutched her knee in pain as she heard some bad noises come from it. "This isn't funny!"

Julia could already tell the air was being used up and that she would run out soon. The pain and marking weren't helping either. She took a deep breath and went into her last fit of fear. Julia felt herself loose feeling in control. After a few seconds Julia's appearances changed. Her eyes were like a demons- pure black and her skin was deathly pale. To others it would seem as if she was possessed or dead, but both of those reasons are wrong. The marks on her grew and the colors darkened. By now they covered mostly every part of her body. Julia summoned her sword, slashing it against the stone tomb. Without much room to move she couldn't give a full effect. She screamed and used all her energy against the containment. Going all out of control she kept screaming, crying, and using up all the oxygen. A mixture of emotions such as rage, despair, and vulnerability filled Julia as her energy died down. She heavy breathes became strained. Her eyes returned to normal and her sword slowly faded away to the bands on her wrist. Julia slid her hand down the top of the stone coffin. Her eyes filled with tears.

"Please let me out. I can't handle this."


"Okay- not going to lie but didn't Julia just look like Bishamon from the latest episode of Noragami? I mean those markings look exactly like blight and she went out of control." Leo gave the others a look.

TrepidationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon