Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Fight, Flight, and Fireflies.

I own no characters of the actual PJO series! Julia belongs to myself! The song "Everything Stays" belongs to the creators of "Adventure Time."


|Authors Note|

Sorry for such a long wait! I've just been going through an emotional trauma spree on Netflix and was too lazy to find time to write... Sorry again! Please enjoy this new chapter! Also remember to play the song above! 


"Where are you going?"

Nico froze. His dark hoodie blocking the back of his head but you could see strands of his messy midnight black hair sticking out to the sides. His hand was halfway to the door handle, reaching for the handle to free him from her for the night. Rolling his eyes, Nico turn lazily. He shoved his hands in his black jeans. Nico's brown eyes met Julia's tinted gray green eyes. Julia's form stood from it's leaning position against the wall. Her hair was loose around her shoulders and the pieces over lapped each other. Quickly being distracted she pushed it behind her head. Regaining her posture, Julia focused back on Nico. Lifting her finger she pointed back to the beds. Nico growled and pushed her aside, returning to his bed.

"A guys not allowed to go out?" Nico laid down, having one knee bend and the other crossed over it. Nico frowned. He thought after the two of them worked so well together, he would get a break from miss i hate you and i will punch you in the face for no reason.

Okay well I did beat her up in a fight...

"No you can go out idiot." Julia scoffed and bent down tying her into a high ponytail. She threw on a black sweatshirt over her gray long sleeved shirt. Strapping her small Pokémon bag around her shoulders, pulling up high black boots, and putting on a gray beanie, Julia walked up to the door. She smiled and folded her hands behind her back, leaning forward. Giving a warm inviting appearance Julia waited for Nico to join her. "Just not without me."

Nico didn't smile but his frown was lost. He stood, making sure he was quiet so he would not wake the sleeping Leo on the couch. Nico grabbed the hotel note pad and a pen, scribbling down a note for the others. Julia opened the door for Nico. Nico smiled slightly and didn't forcefully push past Julia, only slightly brushing her shoulder. In the hotel hallway they walked to the staircase. Julia slid down the railing and spun onto the next staircase down. Nico trudged down the stairs behind her. By the time Nico reached the lobby, Julia was waiting by the large hotel door. Kicking her foot against the dark oak wood she waited impatiently. A look of boredom on her face, like watching people play a video game. Nico reached her and she punched his shoulder.


Nico growled at her insult and pushed ahead of her. The cool crisp summer air hit his face. The moon was high in the sky, it was a little after midnight after all. Nico started walking down the street. He hands were stuffed in his jacket and his head stared down at his feet. It was similar to the person in movies who is always on there own, taking late walks in the city. Julia caught up to him and slowly skipped alongside the boy.

"So what are we doing out here so late?"

Nico scoffed and walked faster. "First off, it should be I, not we. Second, I'm going to find the sea god we are supposed to fight."

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