Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Let's go hiking!"


I own no characters of the actual PJO series! Julia belongs to myself!


|Authors Note|

I'm sorry this is such a short chapter! I just wanted to get something out for you guys!


"Do you think they noticed we were gone?" Julia asks as Nico and her slowly and quietly enter back into their hotel room. The lights were off, which was good news. the rom was silent and Leo was still sleeping on the couch. Julia entered the room and put her bag and beanie away. The bed creaked a little as she put her head on the pillow and her body relaxed and became motionless. 

"No, everyone was too tired after the fight with Achlys. Slept right through it." Nico took off his jacket, revealing his skull shirt and collapsed on the bed. He made a bigger noise than Julia when she went on her bed. Nico closed his eyes and made a pained groan, from fatigue. He only revived a weird noise from Julia, probably also tired 

At least it was some form of acknowledgement. Nico thought and turned over to his side to stare at the wall. Julia did the same but to look out the window that leads to the small balcony. Both of them closed their eyes and tried to fall asleep. 

"Wait a second!" Julia jumped up and sat on the side of her bed, facing Nico who slowly turned and faced her but was still laying down. He nodded his head and beckoned her to continue. 

"We get to go hiking! We're going to the mountains!" She cheered.

"We are?" Leo from the couch slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Why?"

"That my friend," Julia turned so she was sitting at the end of the bed in front of Leo, "is for tomorrow morning! Sorry I woke you up." Julia crawled under the bed blankets and waved her hand to let the others know they could go to bed.


"Good morning Percy!" Julia skipped into Percy's hotel room. Percy was currently sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal. Julia relaxed next to her brother who looked half asleep. Julia was dressed for the day in a Camp Half Blood t-shirt and black shorts. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail instead of a braid. 

"What were you three talking about last night?" Percy groaned and shoved a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. Through his munching he mumbled, "I could hear you all talking. Something about hiking." 

Percy takes another bite and moves his sleepy eyes to study Julia. Julia has a nervous smile and averts her eyes to look away. Percy's eyes widened a little and he slowly puts his cereal down in his lap. With his mouth full he mumbled, 

"You didn't did you?"

Julia looked offended. "What?"

"You did not plan for us to go hiking did you?"

"Actually that's just a perk." Julia sat back into the couch. "Me and Nico went out last night-"

"Woah woah woah!" Percy placed his bowl on the coffee table besides him. He sat up and crossed his arms across his chest. Turning his head to Julia he wore an expression of uncertainty. "You and Nico? Went out? But neither of you attacked each other?"

Julia nodded her head, acknowledging Percy's point. 

Percy sat back on the couch, copying his sisters earlier movement. "And neither of you two attacked each other." He repeated.

"Um yeah so here is the story. Nico and I went out late last night and uhh some stuff happened and-"

"What KIND of stuff?" Percy gave her a quizzical look. 

Julia's cheeks tinted pink before she shook her head and stared Percy right in the eyes. "Fireflies."


"Fireflies. Anyways, we met this guy. He said he was a creation of the elder sea god Pontus. He told us that we need to find him in the mountains and give him the poised blade. Once we do that, he will tell us who is truly behind all the problems in the sea."

Percy looked deep in thought, his eyes looked down at the ground and stayed silent. Julia tapped her foot impatiently for a response. Slowly Percy stood up, and headed to the upstairs loft where Annabeth was sleeping. Julia stayed put and waited. She heard the low voices of whispers from above but could not hear the exact words. After a few minutes, Percy and Annabeth come back down. Julia jumped up and looked at the two. 

Percy and Annabeth gave each other a glance before sighing. Annabeth gave Julia a small smile.

"Pack your bags. We are going hiking." 

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