Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Achlys in Portland

I own nothing except for Julia and the plot!


|Authors Note|

Hey everyone! I'm sorry if this is a slow chapter, but there will be a lot of important discussions!


The nine chosen demigods met up at Thalia's tree. First Annabeth. Following her was Percy, Piper, Leo, Jason, and Nico. Frank and Hazel arrived just on time together, leaving Julia fifteen minutes late past the meeting time. The sun was already setting. The gathered eight sat around waiting for the girl to show up. When she ran up the hill calling their names they all celebrated in their heads. Julia placed her hands on her knees and managed to drop her bags on the floor before collapsing. The rest opened their mouths to start yelling at her.

"You're late." Frank said as kind as he could but as much as he wanted to it would be awkward for staring at his girlfriend for so long.

Julia pointed at them with both hands and winked. "I know but I had to order the transportation." She dove around in her bag for a few seconds before taking out little slips of paper. She handed the party members one and kept one for herself, placing it in her black hoodies pocket.

"You got train tickets! Thanks Julia!" Percy smiled some. It would save them lots of time.

"This is why you're late?" Jason examined his and nodded a thanks in her direction.

"Yeah sorry. You get like zero connection from the big house and I needed to borrow some money so I ordered them there." Julia shrugged and smiled at them. Her smile dropped when she saw the looks on everyone's faces.

Nico's wore a 'what the hell' look. Percy, Jason, and Hazels expression read 'what were you thinking?' Leo and Piper held amused looks. Last but not least Annabeth looked down right angry and confused.

"Just how did you order these tickets?" She fumed out but held back from lashing out.

Julia's eyes widened is realization. She pointed at her and placed on an embarrassed smile. "That's not the question."

"Oh but it will be." Annabeth gave her a look before slinging her back on her shoulder. Everyone did the same.

Julia breathed a sigh of relief and quietly reminded herself to hide her phone deeper in her bag. They wouldn't dig through her stuff. Well if they did, they would die.

"Everyone ready?" Percy smiled before walking out of the camp's boundaries and jumping in the van Argus lent to him. He opened the side doors that held the fake trademark for the strawberry company they occupied. Of course it was just a cover. Everyone filed in the back and Julia hoped in the front with her brother.

"Can I drive?" She bashed her eye lashes.

Percy snorted and started to drive off. "Yeah right you'd crash the stupid car and then Argus and Mr.D would kill me."

"Eh worth a shot." She shrugged and turned on the radio leaning back into the seat waiting for something good to come on. she kicked her foot against her bags.

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