
"Hey wanna go cook something?" Skelly asked Spidey.

"Why?" Spidey asked.

"I don't know, for fun. We got nothing better to do," Skelly replied.

"I mean, last season your stupid cooking got you eliminated," Spidey muttered.

"Um excuse me?!" Skelly asked. "Says the person who left the show because they missed their best friend!"

"At least I wasn't voted out by my team!" Spidey exclaimed.

"At least I wasn't a big fat crybaby!" Skelly shot back.

"You know what?! I don't even want to be your friend anymore!" Spidey yelled.

"Well I don't want to be your friend anymore!" Skelly shouted.



They walked in different directions.

* * *

Ender was walking by their cabin when he heard unusual noises. He walked around to the back of the cabin to investigate.

What he saw, was his team training.

Well, not all of them. Endie and Silvester weren't there, and the worst part: Zombieswine was barking orders at them like it was boot camp.

At the moment, Blaise, Ian, Cavell, Creep, Mucus, and Mag were trying to do push ups.

Too bad none of them had arms.

"Cmon, solider! Pick up the pace!" Zombieswine yelled in Creep's face. Creep couldn't even do one push up, due to his lack of arms.

He deserves it, Ender thought. Only Creep did, though. No one else deserved to be bossed around by Zombieswine.

"Do you need help, maggot?!" Zombieswine yelled at Cavell, who was struggling to do a push-up.

"NO SIR!" Cavell screamed back.

"Come on, idiots! We need to win again!" Zombieswine shouted.

"What are you doing?" Ender asked.

Zombieswine looked up. "Ah yes, dragon. Join these pathetic fools in doing push ups."

"You can't boss them around like that! Who made you leader?" Ender asked incredulously.

"Um, my territory, my team," Zombieswine replied.

"Guys, you don't have to listen to him. Go on and enjoy yourselves," Ender said to the team.

"WHO GAVE YOU THE AUTHORITY TO DO THAT?!" Zombieswine screamed.

"Who gave you the authority to boss them around?!" Ender shot back.

"He threatened to eliminate us if we didn't train," Mucus mumbled.

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