"She's eager to fight," he told Steve, and they both stopped in front of the main door that led to the roof. Natasha and two other agents were waiting, all of them checking their weapons over. 

"Good," Steve said to Pietro, then turned to the two agents. "No casualties. I want to know how they found us and why they're here." Steve pushed his helmet down and grabbed his shield, then opened the door. All five of them walked up the stairs and made it up to the roof in utter silence. Steve looked over at Natasha, and she nodded her head, looking down over the ledge and jumping. 

The two agents behind Pietro and Steve stood quietly, keeping guard. 

"I need you to do a run through. Distract them, and if you can, disarm them." Pietro sped off of the roof and ran into the woods, his blue streak leaving behind a shimmering residue. Steve soon followed, jumping down from the roof onto a soft patch of grass. He heard footsteps moving towards him, and he hid behind a wall, letting the man walk by him, then snuck up behind him and choked him unconscious. 

Steve heard Pietro run by, and soon after he heard Natasha's widow bite zap through the quiet air. Steve walked towards the front side of the building, keeping his shield up and listening carefully. He walked a few feet, before feeling the hair on the back of neck stand up, and he quickly whipped around, bringing his shield to block the hit of one of the men. 

He kicked the man straight in the chest, sending him flying a few feet back. Steve jumped out towards him, throwing a punch as the man stood back up. When the man pulled up his rifle, Steve brought his shield down to protect himself, but after seconds of waiting for the impact, he looked up. 

Wanda was standing beside the man, filling the man's head with her bright red hex. Steve stood up and looked at her, captivated. When she finished, the man fell to the ground and passed out. The color of her hex dispersed through out the air, like little red fireflies. 

"Thanks," he told her, and she grinned, joining him as he continued on towards the front of the building. When they turned the corner, they saw Natasha fighting one of the armed men. Wanda stepped forward, but Steve grabbed her arm, shaking his head at her. Wanda sighed, taking a step back and standing beside Steve. 

Natasha flipped through the air, wrapping her legs around the armed man's neck and squeezing tightly. A blue stream sped by, and the man's gun was no longer in his possession. It didn't take Natasha long to choke him unconscious, and after a silent minute, he was out. 

"Enjoy the show?" she asked them, and Steve attached his shield back onto the back of his suit and walked up the unconscious man on the ground. Steve whistled loudly, and the two agents on the roof jumped down and ran towards them. 

"Bring this one inside, I'll gather up the rest." The agents obliged, grabbing the man on the ground and walking him into the building. 

Pietro ran through them and stopped beside his sister, checking her for any visible signs of harm. 

"Pietro, please, I'm fi--" the sound of a gun ruptured through the quiet night, and Steve scanned the area for the shooter. Up high on a tree, he saw the shiny exterior of a gun, and a second later, another bullet was fired, and Steve grabbed his shield and ran over to Natasha, pulling her back to protect her. When Steve looked over to where Pietro and Wanda were standing, he saw Wanda on the ground and Pietro beside her. 

"Take her in!" he yelled, and Pietro picked her up, running into the building. 

"We can't reach him from here," Natasha said, crouched down behind Steve's shield. 

Another gun shot hit the shield, and Steve flinched, making sure to cover Natasha completely. 

"Get inside. I'll take care of this," the both of them looked up to see Emma in her crystalized form. She was almost unrecognizable under her diamond shield, but she was willing to help Natasha get safely back inside. 

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