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|Third Person|

"Thank you so much for coming out, Pittsburg!" Laura shouts into the mic. It was her last show of tour, which meant her fourth album was a huge success. And if she couldn't be anymore happier, her little eleven month old came walking out onstage. Her mouth drops and her eyes widen. For the last four months, she's been away from her son, so seeing him walk brought tears to her eyes. She looked up and saw her husband making his way behind River. Laura smiled so wide as she crouches down to catch her son in her arms. His first steps!

"Momma!" He cheers. Laura's eyes begin to water as the cheers of the thousands of fans behind her. His little arms wrap around her neck and she picks him up, hugging him to her chest. Ross walks over and pecks her lips, gives her a goofy smile, and hugs the both of them.

"Oh my god." She says, pulling away. She carries river on her hip and Ross grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers. "Since this is my last concert, and I may as well say some thing." She lets river down, and he begins to walk slowly over to his Grandma Stormie, who had made her way on stage with the rest of her and his family. "I'm four months pregnant!" She screams out. Ross' eyes widen, since he didn't even know himself.

"What!" Ross exlaims, throwing his hands in the air. "Laur, why the hell ancient you told me!" He squeezes her body to his and pulls back only to crash his lips against hers in an instant. "I fucking love you, Laura Marie Lynch." He whispers. She smiles widely and watches as he places his hand on her stomach. He would've kissed it, but Laur's and to leave the stage.

• Just Like The Movies •

Laura smiled over at her husband, who was playing in the living room with their four - soon to be five - kids. River, who was now four years old, almost five, had the brightest blonde hair, yet the darkest brown eyes. Next was Rachel, who was three, had the boldest hair, the hazel eyes, but the biggest eyes out of her siblings. Next was Renee, just turned two a month ago, her hair was growing a dirty blonde and with no doubt, will be brown sooner, had the brown eyes and her daddy's smile. The youngest so far, Ryan, was exactly one years old, today, and had barely any blonde hair on his head, he has light brown eyes, like his aunt Rydel's, and has his mommy's nose. The final child, that is six months pregnant in Laura's belly, is a boy. They already settled on the name Riley.

"Riv, no!" Rachel whines, running over to where her baby brother, Ryan was. "You hit him in the head." Rach was already the rule follower, and River was already a trouble maker. Renee liked to belt out some screams, meaning she was singing. And Ryan just started walking s week before hand.

"Sorry, Ry. And Rach, calm down." River says, rolling his eyes.

"Guys, it's okay. Ryan isn't crying." Ross says, picking the baby up. "Guess what time it is!" Ross exclaims, groaning Ryan's blankie. "Bed time!" Ross picked up Renee as well and lead all four kids upstairs, his wife trailing slowly behind.

After the couple tucked Ryan and River in, they went across the hall to the girls room and tucked them in. It wasn't until Ross shut their bedroom door, when it got heated. For being thirty two, the couple still had their romantic nights, where they made out for hours. It has been less and less, since River inherited Ross' possessiveness feelings in imaginary friends, but it wasn't nearly as bad as Ross'.

"I love you, Little One." That nickname has stuck with them for nearly nine years, still being used everyday.

"Love you too, Shor." She mumbles, closing her eyes.

• Sorry that this is the stupidest thing eve,r and it took forever! But it's done! Now, for the kids, names...

River Michael Lynch
Rachel Nicole Lynch
Renee Mary Lynch
Ryan Anthony Lynch
And last but not least, Riley Mark Lynch

Thank you to all of those to stuck with this. And to be homes,t I'm dedicating this whole entire story to my number one favorite fan (sorry to the others) rauraneedstohappen

She has never upset me, always made me laugh at her story telling, and has always supported me throughout anything and everything. So... Thank you Lauren, you're the most amazing person ever 💜💜💜

Also, make sure you check out my other story, Stay With Me || Raura. It's a sadder one, but I'm sure you'll all love it!



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