My Experience

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Okay, I'm sorry if some of you are disappointed that this is just an authors note, but I have to tell you all something.


First off, let me talk about Rydel's signing. So, I got there around ten and she was expected to come around 10:30-11:00. She got there almost at 11 and it took forever to reach the front. But once I reached the front, I was shaking. Mark took my moms phone for our picture. I bent down and smiled with Rydel. Then I barely had the guts to ask her to sign my phone. She said "Of course, sweetheart!" I mentally died. And really, that was it.

Now the concert. So, I had front row seats along with meet and greet with VIP sound check. It was pretty freaking awesome for being my first R5 concert. First up, meet and greet.

So meet and greet took a very, very long time just to get my tickets. First off, it was pouring down rain and the venue was outside. But eventually, they took us to a building. On our way, Ryland drove by on a golf cart and I screamed his name. When he got out, I literally touched his arm and we all made fun of him. Then we waited for longer and Andre (my bae) took the things for my photo while Mark led me in for the photo. First off, Ross pats my shoulder and says, "Hey, how's it going?" It surprised me and I whip around and say hi and good. I then turn to Rydel and she was slightly laughing because Ellington was like tickling her or something. But then she goes, "Hi, nice to see you again!" GUYS! SHE FREAKING REMEMBERED ME FROM THE SIGNING! Anyways, she traded places with Ellington so he was next to me. We weren't aloud to hug them because we were wet, but Ellington wrapped his arm around me and we smiled. Then for our second one, Rydel goes, "Choke him, choke him!" So, I laugh. Then Ellington goes, "No don't choke me!" Half whining and half laughing. So I wrap my arm around his neck and squeeze him a bit as Rydel puts her hand on his chin/neck. That's when we were done and Ross pats my arm again before saying bye. Riker and Rocky yell a bye and have fun before I leave.

Now, sound check was pretty funny. First, Rocky called Ross a girl and Ross got a little defense. Rocky's like, "Sorry, bro, I thought you were Rydel!" Ross then sits down with Riker's bass and Riker walks out. Once again, Rocky goes, "There she is!" And Riker laughs and picks up Ross' guitar. Soon after that Rydel and Ellington come and everyone's sitting. We start talking about rain and Riker begins to play a The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script. Ross played the bass while Rocky played the guitar with Riker, and Rydel and Ellington did their normal thing. After that, Riker and Ross switched instruments and they did an acoustic on Things Are Looking Up. It was pretty awesome, even if it was pouring out. Oh, and Ross was bashing our hometown football team, Seattle Seahawks, and everyone bood so Rydel gave us permission to sock him in the face.

Then, Ryland came out. He killed it. That's all there is too it!

Finally, the concert. So... It was really fücking awesome. I was literally right in front of Rocky. As you can see, up above is my favorite picture of Rocky I took, not zoomed in. Dude, I looked at Rydel once Rocky moved for a little and I smiled, she gave me a smile back. I swear to god, because we locked eyes! Anyways, during Repeating Day, Rocky took his ear-ins (or in-ears, what ever they are) out and I could tell he was sad. So I kind of watched him, and he didn't smile once or rarely look up during the song. My heart broke. But when Rydel sang Lightning Strikes, she tried to make him laugh and smile so it made me feel better, even if it was before Repeating Days. But at the end, Rocky looks right at me and throws a pick. It bounced off my head and onto the floor before some bįtch took it from me. So Rydel comes over and smiles at me, about to step down on the speaker but decides not to. So she aims the set list at me so I can have it, but the same bįtch who took my pick shoved me a little and ended up ripping the paper. But over all, it was amazing.

So, I'm posting picture today from it on insta @rydelly.belly is the name. And I'm wondering if you'd like ,e to post the videos I got on YouTube. I got the One Republic song from sound check and Things Are Looking Up from sound check. I got Ry's new single on video. I only videoed The beginning, which was not even a minute. Then I did all of Dark Side. Then Rocky's first solo in Cali Girls. Then after the bridge, I got the rest of Cali Girls. Then I got Lightning Strikes, where I caught rydel slipping up the ramp at the end and she goes "I had a feeling I was going to slip on that eventually. THANK YOU!" She laughed it off. It was pretty funny. Then I got Repeating Day and my phone ran out of storage so it didn't get all of the ending with only Ross on guitar. Then I got Ain't No Way. That's really all though. Soooo.... Comment what you want!

If you read this, congrats, you're my new favorite person. :)

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