[19]: "Are You Mad At Me Or Something?"

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Sorry for another crappy chapter in advance 😂 hope you still like it tho💕✨

Just Like The Movies [19]: "Are You Mad At Me Or Something?"

|Laura Marano|


Looking through boxes of clothes just to match an outfit sucks. Not only that, but I had to move in with my sister and her boyfriend because I already sold my house and since Ross is mad at me, I've got no place to go. Besides here, of course.

"Laura." I look towards my bedroom door and see Vanessa dressed in a slim back dress. "Hey, Drew and I are heading out for the night... Do me a favor and come at of the house. It's been like five days, okay?" She says, looking concerned. I sigh and give her a small nod.

"No promises." I whisper, finally grabbing Ross' old crew neck I stole back in London. "Finally!" I shout, smelling his amazing scent. I may be upset, but that doesn't mean I don't love the man to death.

"Okay... Should I call Rydel or something? Because that's not... You know what, never mind. Just... Stay sane, baby sis." I didn't bother replying, instead, I pulled the baggy sweatshirt over my head and walk over to the small table. I grabbed some paper and began to write. Sadly, I only got a verse in when there was a loud knock at the door. My eyes widening, I cautiously walk down the steps and to the front door.

But the blondes face pressed against the small window isn't what scared me. It's was the fact he was shirtless and crying. As fast as I could, I unlocked and swung open the door open. Apparently I wasn't fast enough to make it to him, so he fell to his knees and crawled his way, hugging below my butt and sobbing into my stomach. Tangling my finger in his hair, I couldn't help the tears that fell down my cheeks.

It took a few try's, but I finally got the boy to stand on his own two feet. Even if most his weight was on my body. But it wasn't that hard to walk him to the couch in the living room. What winded me was tripping and having him land on top of me on the couch, crushing me. But now that we're situated, his head in the crook of my neck and half his body on me, his crying slowed down and he was just playing with my hand that wasn't tangled with his hair.

How I knew he was ready to talk, he moaned from the pleasure of me playing with his hair. With a small smile, I tug his hair, causing his head to move back. He eyes my face carefully as I lean down and gently kiss his forehead. Sort of my way of telling him I'm here. He gives me the slightest smile before putting his head back in the crook of my neck.

"Can we just go to bed and talk tomorrow?" His voice was hoarse . I frown at the way he sounded. Usually, I'd find it attractive, but it sounded like he hasn't slept in ages.

"Couch or bed?" I whisper, staring at the ceiling.

"Bed, please." I nod my head before he slowly gets off of me. I keep a firm hold around his waist as I lead him up the stairs and to the left. Opening the door, I quickly brought him towards the bed before going over to the door and shutting it. I ditched the hoodie and let the loose tank top pretty much expose my boobs, but he's them before so no harm there.... Forgetting Ross was in bed, I quickly leaped for it and found Ross already under the covers. I quickly get myself under the covers and stare at the ceiling. "Are you mat at me or something?" I hear his soft voice. Sighing, I knew deep down I wasn't.

"No." I whisper.

"Then why are you so far away." He whines. I felt two arms wrap around my body and I was being pulled towards a heater. Also known as Ross' bare body. Well, he had boxers on, but still. Instead of like before, Ross let me cuddle into his side while he played with my hair. For a good ten minutes it was filled with silence as he tangled his fingers in my hair. I knew he wasn't asleep, or else I'd be hearing the softest snores. "Laur?" Even if he didn't call me Little One, Laur still gave me hope he was okay.

"Mhmm." I murmur, hoping for the three words I haven't heard come out of his mouth for six days.

"You know I love you, right?" He whispers. The biggest smile broke out onto my face at his soft words. "Like... Just because I had a meltdown and called you things and avoided you, doesn't mean my feelings changed."

"Shhh." I whisper. "We'll talk in the morning, Ross." I say, sweetly kissing his chest. "I love you, too." With that said, before I knew it, his soft snores took over my ears and with his heart beat.

• Well, I felt bad for not updating in five days, so I came up with this crappy chapter. Um... Yeah. That's pretty much all I can say about it. And uh... If you're wondering, the next chapter will probably be the premiere of the movie. Maybe, I'm not sure. I guess you can comment and vote, might make me feel a little better? •

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