[1]: The Proposal

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Just Like The Movies [1]: The Proposal

|Calum Worthy|

//Monday Afternoon\\

Taking a shaky breath, I press the call button on Skype. I texted Andre and Mark earlier asking if I could Skype the whole Lynch clan, plus Ellington, about some news. Aka, ask them to be in my movie. It'll be difficult, and I really hope I can get them onboard or else I have to set up dumb auditions with wanna be's and crap.

I freeze once I see that the call is connecting. My understanding is either they have a day off, or a show is in a few hours. But once I saw everyone, I kind of figured it was their day off. I mean, Rydel wasn't even in real clothes. She had her hair up and messy while a blanket was wrapped around her. Gosh, I haven't seen them since Rydel and Ellington's wedding last year. Raini was there too, but Laura couldn't make it to Paris in time. She was stuck in South America for her second to last show of her tour.

"Hey guys!" I say as I wave. They were stuck in Europe, finishing up their last few weeks of tour.

"Buddy!" Ross says. I chuckle and we hive five each other through the screen. "What's up man?" He asks.

"Oh, right." I say, picking up a piece of paper. "So, I'm in the process of finding a cast and crew of my new movie, called Just Like The Movies." I begin. "Um, would you like to know a summary of the story?" I ask.

"Duh." Rydel inputs. I chuckle and read off my paper.

"Just Like The Movies isn't your typical cliché love story. Okay, maybe it is. You've got the guy, who falls for the girl. And the girl, who falls for the guy." I pause and look at everyone before continuing on. "And duh, it takes place in London, just like your everyday typical love story." I stopped for a second while I heard Stormie and Rydel cough. Once they stopped, I began again. "There's the awkward stage where all they do is stare at each other and not talk. Then, they'll be the transitions stages where they can't stay away from each other. Soon, the cliché dates come and the cute love story between Luke and Bea grow. Sure enough, the ending is predicted. What can you say, it's Just Like The Movies." They all clapped and I laughed.

"Bro, that sounds dope." Rocky says, giving me a thumbs up. "But it sound like there's only two characters..."

"Let me get to that." I say, holding up my fingers. "So, Luke Sterling is the lead male role, and has a love interest, Beatrice Cooper. Or, Bea, as Luke will call her throughout the movie." I begin. "And I want Ross to be the lead." I say, smirking over at him.

"Wait, really?" He asks, smiling.

"Yeah, I figured it out awhile ago, that you'd be the perfect role. He's a dance teacher at the local dance studio, he plays guitar and can sing, I mean, it's the perfect match." Ross smiles wider.

"Dude, I'd love that." My smile grew just as wide as his did. "But what about the rest of us?" He asks, pointing to his right.

"Well, I need music for the movie. And the music I need just has to be written by R5." I say, starting. "And I don't care if you wanna help them out, Ross." I add.

"That's be sick. I haven't written a song for a movie in a year or so." Rocky says, rubbing his hands together.

"Oh, and Luke will have a few dance numbers and I figured that Ellington and Rydel would like to choreograph a few. I know you've helped Mrs. Ratliff out a ton with her numbers in the past." I say.

"You know, you can call my mom Cheryl." Ellington says with a chuckle. "And that'd be so cool."

"And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Ryland." I say. "There's no one better at perfect lighting than you. And you can be the co-director to Heath and Kevin." Ross' eyes light up.

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