[2]: Another Chance

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Just Like The Movies [2]: Another Chance

|Ross Lynch|


I walk into the house with a small frown plastered on my face. Everyone was eating breakfast, which were bowls of cereal, and of course. I was the last. But I guess living in the backyard with my own "studio apartment" is worth it. I take a seat next to Ryland and grab a bowl. I pour Lucky Charms into the bowl and grab the milk. I also pour a glass of orange juice.

"Alright, Ross. What's with you. We've been back from tour for two weeks, and you seem sadder every day. Please don't go back to... How you were." Rydel whispers the last sentence. I sigh and mix my cereal.

"She graduated yesterday." I say, my voice cracking. "I told her I'd be there when she did. A-and I wasn't." I say, looking around the table.

"Ross, you promised her five years ago you'd be there. It's okay that you didn't go. I mean, you didn't know when it was." Mom inputs.

"But... God." I mutter, pushing my bowl away. "I'm not hungry." I say.

"Sit your ass back down." My dad says, giving me a stern look. For being 57, he's fucking scary sometimes. "Look, we all realize you're in pain right now, but I'm not having my son turn mute again over some girl he may or may not have fucked up with. Now eat your goddamn cereal and cheer up." I quickly sit down and shove a spoonful of lucky charms in my mouth.

"You're getting the script for the movie today and you start dance rehearsals in two weeks." Ellington says, breaking the tension.

"Maybe it'll have the name of the girl you're playing love interests with." Rocky adds. I shrug and continue to eat my Lucky Charms.

"Um... Can I say something?" All eyes go over to Rydel. "Well... Ellington and I have been married for just over a year and... I'm twenty-six now." She begins. "I'm pregnant." She finally finishes, a smile on her face. All of us congratulate the married couple. Even if I was upset. This made me forget everything. I'm going to be an uncle!

"How far along?" Vanni, Riker's fiancée says.

"Just a little over one month, actually." She says. "We've been to one doctors appointment and the other is right before we leave for the trip." I smile and eat more cereal. "We'd like some names, though. And I've decided, we've decided, that the middle name of our baby, if it's a boy, is going to be Anthony." Riker cheers. "And for a girl, Yvonne. Cheryl hates her middle name so she insists to use yours." Rydel continues.

"You already told your parents?" Ry asks.

"Yeah, when we stayed with them last week." Ellington adds. Everyone nods.

"Why'd you pick Anthony?" I ask. "Not that I'm upset, I'm just curious." I add.

"Well, Ell didn't want his... And well, Riker was always there for me, I guess. He was my first best friend, my longest best friend, he's protective, and I think he deserves it." Mom awed. She's just happy all of us are super close, unlike other families.

Once I finished my cereal, I washed my dishes and placed the, in the dishwasher. I also went into the laundry room and put a load of my laundry in before walking back outside to my place. It was now time to feel terrible about my life, even if it is over some girl. Over Laura Marie Marano, who may or may not be in a relationship. Who may or may not be happy. Who may or may not have forgotten about me. Is it bad if I stalk her? Nope, screw it.

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