[21]: Our Story

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Just Like The Movies [21]: Our Story

|Third Person|

//Saturday, June 15th, Ross and Laura's Wedding Day\\

"How's my beautiful daughter doing?" Ellen asks, peaking into the bathroom at the venue. Since Stormie was better at hair than Ellen, the two moms agreed Stormie would be the makeup artists for all bridesmaids and bride.

"Good, mom." She whispers. "Did you make sure everything was set up?" Laura asks, letting Stormie place the last small pinned diamond in her hair.

"Yes, and I checked up on the boys. Ross is a nervous wreck, Rocky and Riker were on their phones laughing, Ryland and Calum were drawing on the whiteboard and Ellington and Rydel are talking in the hallway with Ryder." Ellen explains.

"Good." She whispers. "They all dressed?" Ellen nods her head in the mirror.

"Time for the dress. The wedding starts in fifteen minutes, which means your mom and I have to head out to make sure everyone is situated." Stormie says, grabbing Laura's hands to take her to the closet. It didn't take long for the dress and some alterations to happen, and soon enough to, everyone placed white petals down the isle with nearly two hundred people sitting down.

Slow music began playing and Ross walked down with his parents, smiling nervously. Stormie kisses his cheek along with Mark, and they both took a seat in the front row beside Ellen.

Next, Vanessa, who's Laura's maid of honor, and Ryland, who's Ryland's best man, walked down the isle, smiling at Ross. Ryland politely hugs Vanessa before walking to his side. Next, was Riker, as Ross' groomsmen, and Rydel as Laura's bridesmaid. Riker kissed Rydel's cheek.

Next up was Rocky and Raini, the same role as the others. Vanni and Ellington walked down the isle next while Calum and Alexa were the lasts.

Everyone stood up as Laura made her way to the gates. As soon as Ross saw her at the gates opening, his eyes watered, a small whimper escapes his lips (from being too happy and blessed) and he looked down to kick a rose petal. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at his beautiful bride walking beside her dad. Damiano walked her to the end, with Ross approaching them. He nods, kisses Laura's cheek and hands her off to Ross.

A deep breath emerged from Ross and a tear slid down Laura's cheek, the same thing with Ross. They were both quick to wipe each other's single tear away, laughing lightly at their mind reading.

When vows came, Ross went first.

"How do I even begin our story?" He says, the microphone echoing his words. "I was fifteen when I met you. Luckily, we were both nervous, shy and dorky at our Austin and Ally auditions, and luckily got the part that changed our lives forever. Kissing you for the first time at sixteen in Australia, never felt better. But when our date ended terribly, I knew you'd move on, and sadly... I couldn't." The crowd laughed a bit. Ross smiled and looked down.

"I've literally loved your angel face since I was seventeen. Best friends or not, I'd always love you, Little One." He wiped the tear that fell from her cheek in a rush. "I think I'd die if I didn't have you with me. I mean, I was depressed for two months last year because I screwed up my life." Laura laughed lightly and Ross smiled. "I guess I'm just trying to say that you're my everything, Laura Marie soon-to-be Lynch." Now, it was Laura's turn.

"I do I outdo do you?" She mumbles. "Well, since he set the stakes high... I'll just keep mine soft and simple." Everyone laughed. "Uh... I didn't really know what I felt around seventeen. I might've been love, but I was afraid. So that's why I dated someone else." Ross' face immediately saddened at that. "But obviously that was a mistake." Ross chuckled. "Getting the movie deal, meant I actually got a chance with you again, even if it meant crying on your doorstep to get you to touch me."

"Sorry." Ross whispers. She gives him a grin.

"I love you, and... You make my life interesting. You make me happy. You make me... Me." Soon enough, Ross' lips captured hers in the final moment when they were declared husband and wife.

• Just Like The Movies •

"Please welcome Mr. And Mrs. Lynch on the dance floor for their first official dance as a married couple." Mark says, eyeing his son and daughter-in-law as they entered the room. Laura brought her hands up to his neck and he brought his to her waist. For some odd reason, they danced to the slowed versions of Can't Make It Without You from the season 1 finale of Austin and Ally. It just fit them, I guess.

Her head rests his chest, knowing there really is no way she could make it without it. Splice versa for him. And pretty soon, the whole dance floor was packed with everyone as the wedding guests partied away.

At cake time, Ross fed her a piece gently, but he saw the eager look in her eye and braced himself. She shoves the piece all over his face, resembling his expression and messiness from an Austin and Ally episode called Wedding and Wacky Bells (I think. I'm too lazy to check).

Everyone was soon served their cake and what not, while Laura and Ross went back to dancing.

Overall, the night was fantastic. All the girls got together and danced with Ross and gave him money, ranging from ones to fifties, while all the guys danced with Laura, the same money reasons as Ross. Towards the end, it all started to sink in. Laura was officially a Lynch.

Laura Marie Lynch. Raura Lynch. Mrs. Laura Lynch. Mrs. Lynch. Ross and Laura Lynch. Anything sounded good.

"You good?" Ross whispers in her ear. Laura nods and leans against his embrace.

"Amazing, actually." She whispers, kissing his jaw line. They were currently sitting in the limo to to catch their hotel room for the night before flying off to Greece for their honeymoon.

"I'm glad to hear that, Laura Marie Lynch." She couldn't help but giggle. "Let's get started on that baby making right away." He says, in a sexy voice.

"Nope, not until tomorrow night." She says, smiling up at him. "Then we can go crazy. Maybe even spend three days straight trying. I'm feeling a little... Lucky." The smile o Ross face was huge. I mean, they were in Greece for two and half weeks, that's a lot of baby making.

"Alright. Three straight days it is, Mrs. Lynch." They both kissed a bit in the backseat before making it to the hotel, where they took the honeymoon sweet their.

• oh my god... This was such a terrible chapter. I just felt so bad for making it a bit late so I sort of rushed it.... Anyways, I think this was the last chapter. Which means the next thing will be a epilogue I guess. I'm sorry to disappoint anyone, but the epilogue probably won't be up for two weeks, just because imma make it super super long to make it up to every single one of you. At least 3500+ words. The least. Please comment and vote tho, feel free to yell at my crappy chapter! And sorry for errors, it's midnight and I'm very very tired from the weekend. •

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