[8]: The Date Scene

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Just Like The Movies [8]: The Date Scene

|Laura Marano|


Nothing better than having that one question you're dreading of answering on a radio station where it's live and people can tell if you're nervous. And this was a horrible time.

"So, love. I see you have Ross' mother, Stormie, here with you today." She begins. "Where is Ross and the others?" She asks. I quickly begin to play with my ring on my finger.

"Ross and Calum actually had to film a few scenes with just them. So... Yeah. And Stormie is my second mom and I needed her to tag along." I say, giving the interview a weak smile.

"How is yours and Ross' relationship. Now, I know you're in a movie together but, is there any feelings towards each other?" And that's when all hell breaks loose. Of course, being the awkward person I am, I could barely get a word in without stuttering or saying um or uh.

"Um... R-Ross and I... W-were just f-friends." I say, scratching my head.

"So you don't see anything happening in the future?" She asks, tapping her finger nails against the table. My leg begins to shake under the table. I don't understand why I'm so nervous. I mean, it's not like we are together. Sure, I have feelings for him and I'm positive he has some for me. But we haven't admitted it to each other like... At all!

"I mean... W-we've haven't talked about that... Subject yet." I say, clearing my throat.

"Yet. Ah, so that means it'll happen?" She questions.

"I-I never said that." I felt a bit hot. "Um, what time is it?" I ask.

"Oh, wow. It's time for Miss. Marano to go!" And that was the end of my hell.

• Just Like The Movies •

"Come on come on!" Calum shouts, waking me up. I rub my eyes and grab my glasses before looking at the clock. One in the morning. I sigh and step out of bed, meeting Ross in the hallway.

"You tired?" He asks, yawning.

"Yeah..." I whisper. He weakly smiles and wraps and around my shoulder and we walk into the living room.

"Take a seat take a seat." Calum says, patting the spot next to Raini and him. Ross sits on the edge and I sit next to Raini, immediately cuddling into Ross' arm that still around me. "The rough cut just got somewhat edited and I wanted to show you guys!" He cheers. "Now, it's from the moment Luke picks Bea up."

|Luke nervously wipes his sweaty hands on his black jeans as he walks up to Beatrice's front door. Now, Beatrice was inside, pacing in the living room. She had no idea how to dress for a casual date, where she couldn't wear heels. So she settled with white jeans, a white tank top, a maroon scarf, hat and combat boots. She curled her hair and did her normal makeup. But she still seamed nervous.

It took Luke a few minutes to build up the nerve to knock, and once he did. Beatrice froze. She took a few deep breaths before opening the door and being greeted by a nervous looking Luke. He had on his signature look; black jeans, converse, a t-shirt and in this case it was grey, and a leather jacket.

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