Chapter 17

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Once we got back home Ray got out of the car and slammed the door. I got out and followed him. Ray was walking so fast I couldn't catch up with him.

" Ray stop!" I said trying to catch up with him. Instead he kept walking fast. Once he reached his room he slammed his door shut and locked it.

" Ray." I said. Still, he didn't answer back. I was right in front of his door on the verge of crying.

" Ray." I said with my voice cracking and which I was crying. He opened the door pissed.

" What!" Ray yelled causing me to jump.

"... Im sorry, ok Ray, im sorry." I said with tears streaming down my face.

" Really Mariah. You think an apology is going to cheer me up. You think seeing you cry in front of my face makes me want to forgive you well go play that shit with someone else!" Ray said.

" I know an apology want make you happy but I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I love you Ray, ok." I said putting my right hand on his cheek and looking into his eyes.

" Mariah, just shutup ok." Ray said pissed and pulling my arm away from his face.

" Ray I told you I didn't mean to say that. The way you acted at the doctor you act like you didn't care about what the gene the baby was, Ray. You had me crying, Ray." I said crying.

" Mariah y-." Ray said before I interrupted him with a kiss. I didn't want to hear another word for him. I made the kiss deeper and he tried to pull away but he just gave in. I made the kiss deeper and pulled away.

" I hope that answer your question, im sorry." I said in a quiet voice and left out his room.


When she left I just wanted to pull her body to mine and kiss her more. I want to forgive her so bad. She look as if she really meant that she didn't mean to say that. And when she kissed me it felt as if all her emotions, the pain she was feeling just poured out. But I just can't give in so fast it'll make me look like a punk, but I 'll look like a punk to her anytime. Anyday. To get her to love me.


Well this was such a short chapter. It was sweet and a tradegy chapter at the same time but 1 question.

- Do you think Ray would forgive Mariah.

Vote. Comment. Read.

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