Chapter 14

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I woke up with an massive headache and rubbed my hand through my hair. I look to my right to see Ray sleeping peacefully and thought about lastnight when I got drunk. I ranned to the bathroom to vomit. Gosh, I hate throwing up! I got finished vomiting and flush the toilet. I brushed my teeth and went back in the bedroom and layed back down on the bed. I see Ray open up his eyes slowly.

" Are you ok." Ray said yawning.

" Yeah."

" You know what you did lastnight was bad for the baby, right." Ray said.

" I know I just wasn't thinking." I said feeling dreadful. I started to cry because I probably hurt the baby or something.

" Baby don't cry." Ray said comforting me.

" Do you want to go to the doctor." Ray said. I shook my head as an"yes" in response. I feel like I really hurt the baby.

" Ok then go get ready and im going to be in my room, ok." Ray said. He kissed me on the lips and left the room. Ramya came in smiling.

" Hey I have your stuff and congrats about the baby." Ramya said smiling and then handed me my clothes.

" Thanks. Have you took a break yet?"

" Oh no, I have been running errands all day." She said sighing.

" Then you can take a break if you want."

" But what would master say?"

" Oh he's not going to say anything. Trust me."

" Thank you so much." She said in excitement and left. I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower. I miss prince alot and I wonder if he's out there risking his life for me. I want to tell Ray can I visit him but you know what the answer would be no, but im still going to ask him. I got out the shower and dried myself off. I put on some dark blue jean shorts, a black t'shirt, my black flats, and put my hair in a ponytail. Then I went to Ray's other room.

" Hey are you ready." I said.

"...Yes." Ray said fixing himself up.

" We're only going to the doctor not some party." I said.

" You know I got to look good for the ladies." We left the house and got in his car and drove to the doctor. Once we got there Ray checked us in. About 15 minutes later a lady with long blonde hair called us.

" May I have Ms. Smith." The lady said scanning the room. Really he put my last name as Smith if he didn't know my last name he could've asked. I raised my hand and Ray and I walked towards the lady. She told us to follow her and she took us into a room.

" Ok Ms. Smith what are you hear for." The lady asked nicely. I read the tag that was on her shirt and her name was Mary.

" Umm. I came to see was I pregnant." I said.

" Ok." She started typing things on her computer. " Ok your doctor will be in here shortly." Mary said and left.

" Really Ray, Ms. Smith." I said.

" Well I didn't know your last name so I had no other choice but to put Smith smarty pants." Ray said shrugging his shoulders. We heard a knock on the door and a tall asian man came in.

" Hey, Im Mr. Hughs."

" Hey." Ray and I said.

" So you think that your pregnant huh." Mr. Hughs said getting some gel.

" Yes sir." I said.

" Well lets see then. Ok im going to need you to lie back for me and lift up your shirt." Mr. Hughs said. I did as I was told and he spread the gel on the center of my belly. I shivered at how cold it was. He put the card on my arm and hooked it up to the monitor. He turned on the tv and it showed the baby moving around in my stomach. Ray and I smiled. A tear escaped and I wiped it fast but Ray caught me.

" Its going to be ok baby." Ray said kissing my forehead and held my hand.

" Is it a boy/girl." I said in excitement.

" Oh you will know that on your next appointment." Mr. Hughs said.

" Ok, but two questions. When will I stop throwing up and how many months am I?"

" Vomiting is a habit when you are pregnant but it'll stop soon and you are.." He looked on his computer." Well you'll be turning 1 month tomorrow so lets just say 1 month." Mr. Hughs said.

" Ok thanks." I said.

" Oh and your next appointment will be next Tuesday." Mr. Hughs said.

" Ok, well I'll be back next Tuesday." I said getting off the bed.

" Oh, before you leave, Ms. Smith have you been drinking?" Mr. Hughs asked. Dang It!

" Well um, yes, but it was an accident." I said feeling sad again.

" You know that can harm the baby." Mr. Hughs said.

" Yes sir."

" Ok nomore drinking and you can go now." Mr. Hughs said putting a smile on his face. We left the doctor and was on our way home. I thought about was it going to be a boy/girl the whole ride home. Once we got home I took a shower and changed into some sleeping clothes. I needed some blood so I went into my mini fridge and got a bottle of blood and drunk it. It was a ball tonight so I had 4 more hours left until the ball. I decided to talk to Ray about Prince, so I called his name and he came in the room and sat next to me.

" Wassup." Ray said lieing his head on the pillow.

" Ok you might get mad but just listen ok." I said.

" Is it about Prince." Ray said sighing.


" Mariah I told you to never mention his name again. What part did you not unstand!" Ray said yelling at me. I knew he was going to yell at me.

" Ray stop yelling at me! Im tired of all the yelling. Ray don't you understand I want to be with Prince not YOU!" I yelled. It looks like he was heartbroken and angry at the same time. I didn't mean for it to come out that way sometimes I just wish I can keep my mouth shut. I put my hand on my right burning cheek because Ray slapped me.

" Don't you ever say that shit again." Ray said angry and on the verge of crying.

" Trey Im- Im sorry, ok. I didn't me-." I said before Ray interrupted me.

" Save it I don't even want to hear it. You broke my heart the first time and now you literally broke my heart." Ray said with tears streaming down his face. I got up from the bed and went towards Ray.

" Ray." I said touching his cheek pulling his face towards mine. He pulled my arm down and left without saying another word.

This is the second time I have broke someone's heart. Screw life and Screw me.

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Poor Ray. But what should the gene be a boy/girl and should she stay with Ray or go back to Prince.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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Dangerous Temptation(A Mindless Behavior Vampire Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora