Chapter 13

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I am now getting ready for the dinner party and Ramya is helping me get ready also. She applied all my make up on my face.

" Ok so now your face is did up and now im about to start on your hair." Ramya said. She did my hair and she gave me this pretty dress. It was a pink ruffle dress and silver diamands sparkled on the dress. I put on my dress and she gave me silver heels, silver necklace, and silver studs. When I got finished she told me to look in the mirror. When I looked in the mirror I was shocked! I looked like an different person.

" Do you like it." Ramya said.

" Do I. I love it. Thanks Ramya." I said smiling then hugged her.

" Welcome. It's what I do." She said blushing then her smile turned upside down.

" Whats wrong. Did I do something wrong." I said.

" No. Its just...nevermind, you look great by the way." She said.

" Ramya remember you can tell me anything and I won't tell. I promise." I said. She nodded her head up and down in response and wiped a tear and left. What was that about? I looked at myself again in the mirror and I actually looked good. I walked out of the room and saw two bodyguards. We walked down the hallway and once we got downstairs I fixed myself up and went into the kitchen. Everybody was talking and having a good time until they saw me and everyone got quiet.

" Well guys I would like for you to meet Mariah, my love." Trey said smiling.

" Uh...hey." I said waving my hand and nervous at the same time.

" Hey." Everyone said. I sat between Ray and a tall old woman. Everyone started chit-chatting and laughing again.

" Babe you look good." Ray said looking me up and down.

" Don't get any ideas and you look good to." I said smiling.

" Don't I always." Ray said doing his fresh move.

" Uhh....."

" And I pefer that as a yes." Ray said.

" Yeah I guess." I said.

Oh yeah everyone can I get your attention please." Everyone turned their attention toward us. " Mariah, my love, is the mother of my child." Ray said. The room filled up with congrats and awwh's. We ate and talked. After that everyone went to the bar room and drunk a little blood of liquid.

( A/N, Ray does have a bar room in the palace. Just wanted yall to know.)

" Do you drink." One girl said. I was with a few girls and they were drinking and stuff.

" Um no, I usally don't drink stuff like that." I said.

" Oh ok, Im Ceria." Ceria said holding her hand out for me to shake.

" Im Samyra." Samyra said greeting me to.

" Hey nice to meet you guys." I saud greeting them back.

" So you don't drink!" Samyra said yelling over the loud music.

" No." I said.

" Come on try some. Just have fun." Ceria said taking a swig of her alcohol. I was debating wheather to try some or not.

" Ok I'll do it." I said going over to the bar.

" Yay!" Ceria and Samyra said at the same time. Believe me or not but I believe they were drunk.

" Hey, can I have a little bit of tequila." I said yelling over the loud music.

" Sure thing, beautiful." The guy said making me blush at his comment. He fixed my drink and gave it to me, then I went back where Ceria and Samyra was.

" Now lets get the party started!" Ceria said screaming and taking a swig of her liquid. Wow they are crazy. We got up and danced around and drunk more liquid. I was sweating and so was my hair from all the dancing and stuff. I was really getting drunk a little. I went back to the bar and got more Tequila. I danced more and drunk more. I knew I was drunk because I was dancing on other guys, then went looking for Ray. As I was walking down the hallway wobbling I heard a couple of people whistling at me. I spotted Ray sitting with a group of guys.

" Ray!" I said sanging. Yes, I was drunk.

" Hey babe." Ray said smiling. I went and rubbed on his abs.

" Babe stop." Ray said but I didn't.

" Sorry guys, but I have to go." Ray said getting up and grabbing my arm.

" Hey watch who you touching." I yelled then giggled. I refused getting drunk.

" Mariah shutup and have you been drinking." Ray said. I giggled a little and started whistling.

" Mariah have you!" Ray demanded.

" Ok I have." I said jumping around laughing. Instead he kept dragging me upstairs.

" Let me go!" I yelled. He just kept on dragging me upstairs. When we got to his room he threw me on the bed.

" Stay put, im going back to the bar." Ray said.

" Ok." I said sighing. I pushed Ray out of the way and ranned to the bathroom and threw up. Ray held my hair and patted me on my back. After I got finished Trey told me he was staying in here with me. I layed.back on the bed while Ray was taking a shower and drifted into a deep sleep.


I know its a little late to be publishing a chapter but I got bored. Im going to bed now. Love you guys.


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