Chapter 4

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I woke up with Anne beside me tapping me.

"Master is crying and he won't tell anyone what's wrong with him. Maybe if you go talk to him it would help. I never saw master like this before." Anne said concerned.

" Umm ok. You can go and take a break if you like." I said putting a smile on my face.

" Ok thanks." She said smiling back.And with that she left.

I got up and saw some clothes and my bathing stuff on the counter. I went in the bathroom and stripped and got in the shower. I got out and put my clothes on and left the room. I went down the hallway and saw guards behind me,weird. I stopped when they said prince room was right where I was standing. I went in the room and it was dark in the room.

" Prince... Prince?" I said. I bumped into what felt like the bed. And thats when I heard sniffles. I went and sat on the bed next to prince. He sniffled more and more. What was he crying about?

" Prince." I said. All I heard was sniffles. I hugged him from the side putting my head on his shoulder. At least I can comfort him.

" Prince, can you please talk to me."

" Oh mariah don't sit here and act like you care about me when you don't !" Prince said.

" Do you?" He said.

"Umm...yes." I said not knowing what to say.

" No you don't. If you really did you would do what I said. You don't even want to meet my parents." He said.

" But I-D-"

" Mariah leave. Forget we had the conversation. Mariah I just want someone to love me,ok. I wish I was never adopted." He said. Even though it was dark I could tell that he was crying. I started to feel guilty about the parent thing.

"What do you mean about that." I said.

" I wish I was never adopted because I wouldn't have to go through this. Finding a soulmate, then me bonding you. It's just hard." He said sobbing.

" So you never were a vampire until you got adopted." I said.

" No, my family were killed by the other mortals. They were like my own friends. I remember when we were at the park and we had cookies and all kinds of junk food. I even learned how to walk at that park." He laughs. When he laughed it made me laugh. It was good to hear him laugh.

" Oh whats a bond." I said.

" Its when I connect your blood and mine together." He said.

" Oh, when will I go home."

" Your not. Your my soulmate and without you I can't function." He said.

" So that means Im staying here all m-."

"Your not going home, ok. Your just not so don't say shit else about home!" He said snapping at me.

"You don't tell me what to do. Im not one of your maids!" I said snapping back. Before prince could say anything else a tall man, with jet black hair had came in the room.

" Son they've heard about your soulmate and their coming after her." The man said.

Coming for me?


Uh oh. Someone's in trouble.


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