"We can do cremation, if you would like." The doctor said as DJ handed the baby off. She nodded because she couldn't get the word out. "And whenever you are ready, you are free to go. I will have someone call you when you can pick her up." The doctor walked out, and DJ suddenly felt empty with no baby inside of her.

"I need to go." DJ said as she looked up at Zak.

"You want to go home?" Zak asked as he handed her clothes to her.

"No, I just need to get out of here, please just take me back to the hotel." DJ got dressed and they walked out into the waiting room where everybody else was waiting. They all stood up with looks on their faces. DJ was quick to hug Billy who hugged her back. In the year that DJ has been with Zak, it was clear that Billy and DJ had developed a more brotherly-sisterly bond towards each other, and it was evident how the rest of the crew cared about her. She held back the tears trying so hard not to cry in front of him.

They got into the van and drove back to the hotel. DJ hadn't let Zak go, refusing to let him go. They got back to the hotel and DJ walked into their room only to plop down on the bed. She put her face in her hands and just let all the emotion out as she cried into her hands. DJ felt Zak's arms wrap around her and she buried her face in his chest. Zak rested his neck in DJ's neck as he felt tears starting to spill from his eyes. They both cried in each other's arms at the loss of their unborn child. Zak knew that it was the spirit that cause their daughter's heart to give out.

"I let you go with us." Zak said as he pulled away.

"When I was sleeping, I had a dream." DJ replied as she looked at Zak. He wiped her tears away with his thumb. "You kicked me out of the hotel room. You told me you hated me and that you never loved me." Zak suddenly frowned at what DJ told him.

"I would never tell you that. You know how fucking much I love you. I love so much to the point that I'm gonna quit if something keeps happening to you. A fucking spirit just killed our daughter. That makes me want to quit."

"Please don't Zak. I knew by going that something was going to happen, but I didn't know it would get this bad. If it was anybody's fault, it was mine. I was the one who put our child in danger-." DJ was cut off by Zak's lips on hers. A few stray tears rolled down her cheek.

"Stop it. Quit fucking blaming yourself."

"I can't. I could've protected her had I not gone. She was inside of me and I failed as a mother to protect my unborn child."

"I don't blame you. Do you ever think that maybe the baby used every ounce of energy she had to help you or maybe she knew it was better for her?"

"Why would you think that?" DJ pushed away from Zak and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"DJ, darlin, I didn't mean it like that." Zak said from the other side of the door.

"I knew you didn't want the baby in the first place, Zak." DJ replied from in the bathroom.

"I did want her. I told you, I was more than excited to have a kid with you. I was always worried about bringing a baby into the world with us being followed home by things. But either way, I was thrilled about being a dad." Zak stood there with his forehead against the door. A couple minutes later, he heard the doorknob turn and the door opened.

"Did you guys manage to finish the lockdown before everything?" DJ asked as she walked from the bathroom.

"No. Billy radioed me back and told me to go to you. There was about an hour left of lockdown." Zak replied as he rubbed DJ's arm.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, please. I ran all the way back here to get to you. You mean more to me than anything." Zak's hands grasped her jaw on either side of her face. He tenderly kissed DJ and she felt her body melting into the kiss. DJ's emotions kicked into overdrive, and she wanted more. And Zak seemed to sense it as well. His hands trailed down her sides until they landed on the back of her legs. Zak picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pressed her against the wall. Without a baby, they could safely have sex without fear of hurting the baby and their make out session quickly heated up. DJ dropped her feet down and pulled her shirt over her head.

She had a few stretch marks across her stomach from where it had started growing. Zak didn't care whatsoever if she wasn't perfect to anybody else, she was perfect to him.

DJ then pulled Zak's shirt over his head exposing his very toned and attractive chest. She backed up against the wall as Zak placed his hands on the wall on either side of DJ's head. Her hands rested on his side as she looked into his eyes. Zak's lips landed on hers in a very tender but passionate kiss.

"Please, stop being gentle, I need this right now." DJ mumbled against Zak's lips.

"Can't I show a tender side?" Zak asked as he pulled away and looked at DJ.

"Are you sure you're not being tender because of what happened?" Zak smirked and unbuckled his belt and then put his hands back on either side of her head.

"I'm sure. You make me feel different from my normal self. I always feel this badass dude that doesn't show any weakness. You completely destroy that part of me."

"You may be a badass dude and that is one of the things I find attractive. But you're right. I change a lot about you. And I love the tenderness." Zak smirked and quickly, he threw DJ on the bed making her giggle. "What happened to being tender?"

"Did you want it to be up against the wall?" DJ grabbed the back of Zak's neck and pulled his lips down to meet hers. Her other hand danced down his stomach and stopped just above the band of his briefs. "Why do you do that?" DJ smiled and pushed her hand even lower until her fingernails scraped down his length. She felt Zak push himself father into her hand making DJ smile. His head rested on her shoulder as she slowly moved her hand up and down. She could feel his warm breath on her shoulder. A grunt slipped from his mouth as he felt his release edging closer. Zak pulled DJ's hand from his pants and quickly threw his pants across the room and discarded DJ's pants.

They spent what seemed like an eternity in bed.

Living With Ghost (Zak Bagans) #1Where stories live. Discover now