Chapter Thirty-two

Start from the beginning

I took the paper off my face and then rubbed the sleep out of my eye. I stumbled out of my room and looked around.

"I know Cal but he hurt her aswell. I don't want him around her until here realizes that she's here to stay." Michael said and I stood at the top of the stairs as they argued.

"Maybe he did but Michael, you have to realize that maybe leaving this far away was all it took. Maybe he realized as soon as you drove off. Maybe he's ready to be a parent but you wouldn't know because you won't talk to him." Calum said, not seeing me standing here.

"I know. I'll see if I can call him tomorrow or something. We're not going back though. I'll call him but I refuse to go back so soon." Michael said and I went back to my room.

I yawned a bit and sat on my bed. I pushed all my papers off the bed, not caring where they went at the moment, and laid down. I hugged the pillow and closed my eyes, trying to block out their arguing.

"That's all I'm asking for, call him. Talk to him. He's a mess and I can't fucking stand it. I don't want to take sides but Luke needs you and you can't just leave him all alone."

I yawned and then my phone rang. I groaned and then reached for it, quickly taking the call.

"Bitch, where the fuck are you?" I heard Nick's voice and I groaned. "Did I call during your sexy time?"

"Fuck off." I said and he gasped. "I'm tired and am too busy trying not to fall asleep."

"Ooh bitch, I'm going to pop your ass when you come to school on Monday. I'm gonna put my hair in a bun and we gon' meet at the front of the school." He said and I can just imagine him putting his imaginary long hair in a bun.

"I will choke you with my Gucci belt."

"Bitch ain't got no Gucci belt, shut up booboo." He said and I laughed. "You rich but you ain't that rich."

"Mhm." I hummed and then yawned. "Is there a point to this call? I'm tired and want to hang up."

"Bitch if you hang up on me I will rip your dyed hair out, you don't hang up on me." He said sassily and I just hummed. "Anyways, where you at?"

"My bed."

"Why the fuck are you in your bed? Yo ass should be right here and helping me talk shit about these wannabe bad bitches." He said. "Run along Angel before I rip your fake ass bleached hair out."

"I'll be there tomorrow-"

"Tomorrow is Saturday booboo." He said and I huffed. "You better be here Monday. I'm not trying to be a bitch by myself." He told me and I chuckled.

"Of course. Of course. The bell rang, bye." I said as it rang. I hung up the phone and then there was a knock on my door. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you hungry? Calum went out to buy pizza and stuff. It should be here in a bit." He told me and I nodded.

"Michael, my homework is everywhere and half of it is incomplete." I said as I looked at the floor. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? So you missed a few papers and equations, it's no big deal." He told me and I nodded. "I'm proud of you. You haven't given up yet."

"If I had a choice, I'd drop out and deal crack to crackheads. Makes good money." I said and he laughed.

"Better than a stripper. Anyways-"

"Hey, strippers make good money too. You getting cash just by shaking your ass and sliding down a pole. If I was old enough and didn't care about making you guys look back, I'd sign myself the fuck up." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

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