Under Cover: Part 1

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Chapter Seventeen: Under Cover

Remy woke the next morning hoping to get a text back from Rogue, but there was nothing. He wanted to go out and investigate, but he had an early morning training session with Logan. Sometimes he wondered if the clawed man was out to kill him. It seemed no matter how well he did the sessions became tougher and more intense, not that he couldn't handle it. He just wasn't focused today.

He went through Logan's obstacle course twice and still he failed. He had enough for one day and walked into the kitchen to get a drink and a snack. Bruno was also in the kitchen with Tara, eating breakfast.

"Hey, Remy, why don't you join us?" Tara asked and picked up the maple syrup. "Bruno made blueberry pancakes."

"No t'anks, Tara," he said and took out his phone again. Still there was no message from Rogue.

"She's still not answering?" Tara asked taking a bite of her pancakes. Remy looked over at her a little confused. "She's not answering my texts either."

"Somet'ing's wrong," Remy said and put his phone away.

"She probably just slept in this morning, after your date last night."

"You got some psychic powers along wid dose fairy wings?" he asked and Tara just shook her head.

"No, I just know Rogue," Tara said, taking another bite. She turned to Bruno with a smile. "I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend who can cook."

"I t'ink I will have some a dose pancakes," Remy said, perking up

"I made plenty," Bruno said as Tara laughed.

"You never tasted anything like Bruno's pancakes," Tara said as she sopped up the rest of the syrup with the last fork full of pancake.

"Looks like Bruno knows de way to a femme's heart," Remy said.

"Well, it wasn't his cooking that attracted me to him anyway."

"Oh, yeah," Bruno said, coming up behind her chair. "And what was that?"

"Your animal magnetism," she said and leaned back and he gave her a kiss. They were laughing and carrying on, so much so it made Remy think about Rogue, and how much he missed her.

"I t'ink I changed my mind about breakfast," he said and got up from his seat. "Got t'ings to do."

"Tell Rogue I said hi," Tara called out as he reached the door. Remy rolled his eyes and shook his head while smirking.

He left the kitchen and ran up the stairs to his room. He packed a few things that had belonged to Rogue. He still held onto them since New Orleans. He meant to give them back before now, but having some of her things made him feel closer to her. There was her sketchbook and a few of her clothes and some of her makeup. He stuffed them in his bag and headed for the parking garage.

He was going to find out what was going on with her and those Brotherhood boys were not going to stop him. As he reached the parking garage he noticed that Logan was there doing some work on the X-Van. She looked up from the front hood and noticed Remy heading for his bike. He had grease all over his hands, and he was holding a wrench.

"Going somewhere?" Logan asked as he wiped his brow with a rag.

"Out," Remy said and wouldn't elaborate, but Logan knew where he was going so he didn't need to tell him. He got on his bike and drove off.

The Brotherhood house wasn't that far away, and he made it there in less than ten minutes. It was broad daylight and Rogue's bedroom was on the left side, but there was a large tree that led straight to her window.

He peeked into the window and didn't see anyone around. Lance's jeep was nowhere in sight and from all the other times he had been there he remembered that it was parked out in front of the house. He didn't see that eye sore of a truck that Fred picked Rogue up in the night before. With any luck the boys were gone, but that didn't mean that Rogue was around. She could have gone off somewhere with them. He was going to take the chance that she was there and climbed the tree leading to her window after hiding his bike behind the high bushes like he had all the other times he was there.

He barely made a sound as he scaled the tree and balanced himself on the thick branch that stopped less than a foot away from her window. It was open a crack and that would make it much easier than having to break in. He peeked inside to see Rogue sitting at her desk and working on her computer.

He slowly opened the window with one hand while bracing himself on the branch so he didn't fall. He looked over to see that she didn't move. He made some noise, but since she had her stereo on she didn't seem to hear him. He slipped in through the window and sneaked up behind her. He barely had his hands on her shoulder when he felt himself being whisked into the air and before he knew it he landed on his back with Rogue standing over him.

He smirked up at her which only sent an annoyed look across her face. "Glad to see you too, Chere," he said, but she only rolled her eyes.

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