Revelations: Part 1

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Chapter Sixteen: Revelations

It was late Friday night when Rogue finally had the chance to implement her plan. The boys were out at another party and Mystique turned in early. She announced that she would be away for the weekend, so it would also give her the perfect chance to see Remy. With Fred giving her the perfect cover, they would be able to spend an evening together. She just hoped he picked a private spot where they wouldn't be recognized.

She wanted to get this over with so she and Remy could be together openly. She hated the fact that she had to ignore him in school when other people were around. Principal Darkholme warned her several times against the boy and all the other kids who resided at the Xavier Institute.

Mystique had turned in early and Rogue noticed that her door was cracked. The blue woman was asleep on her bed and Rogue up next her but hesitated. Part of her had to know what the woman was hiding but part of her was afraid to know. She stood there for the longest time until she mustered to courage. It's now or never, she told herself. She reached out and touched the woman's bare arm and felt the memories flood inside her head.

First, she saw the woman in her blue form in a car with Irene. This confused Rogue at first until she heard the conversation play in her head. Then she saw the woman change, first into the man with the steal claws. A new scene came into play, one where she was in Cody's room soon after she had absorbed him. It wasn't the man with the claws that attacked her. It was Mystique.

Damn you, she said in her mind.

She ran out of the room, but new memories entered her mind. She ran back to her room and shut the door and locked it. The image of the dark-skinned woman with the white hair came into her mind. She had thrown the grenade. Again, she saw the face of her true attacker. It was Mystique. Then she saw the image in a mausoleum. It wasn't Scott that attacked her. Again, that was one of Mystique's tricks, and she fell for it.

She dropped to the floor and cried. How could she have done that? She trusted this woman, and now this. After a few minutes she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She dialed a number quickly.

"Chere?" she heard the voice on the other line.

"Remy, it was her," she said, trying to hold back the tears. "It was all her."

"I know, Anna," he said, his voice tender and sympathetic. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, ah think so," she said wiping away a stray tear.

"You need me t'come over dere?" he asked.

"No, not now," she said. "Ah don't wanna ya to take the chance of someone seein' ya, but can you meet me tomorrow in the park about four?"

"Sure, I will," he said.

"Good, Fred's goin' to the Derby tomorrow, but he told everyone that ah was going with him, so will have until about eleven. Ah told him to pick me up in the park about that time."

"I'll see you den, chere, but if you need me before den jus' call okay."

"Ah will, and Remy, ah love you," she said.

"I love you too, Anna," he said and they both ended the call.

Rogue had gone from upset to angry. That woman manipulated her into joining her and she still didn't know why. Something else was going on here, and she was going to find out what.


Remy was in the rec room at the Xavier Institute when the call came in. He was just finishing a game of pool with Bruno when it happened. The dark-haired teen just left the room when Rogue's call buzzed in. He thought the conversation had been private, but someone had heard the tail end of it.

"Hey, Cajun, somethin' goin' on?" It was the gruff voice of Logan. He had a beer in his hand and was about to open it.

"It's not'ing," he said and sat down on the couch. He turned the television on and the news was now playing. He rolled his eyes seeing a faint shot of what could have been a few of the Brotherhood boys. They had gotten themselves into a mess...again. This worried him because Rogue could have been caught in the middle of that mess.

"Don't tell me it's nothin', and can tell it's somethin'," he said.

"Jus' a friend o mine's in some trouble," he said.

"How bad?" Logan asked.

"Pretty bad," Remy said and got up from the couch. "I'll handle it, so don't worry."

He walked out of the room without saying anything more. He went back to his room and plopped down on his bed. He took out his phone and toyed with the idea of calling Rogue, but he decided against it. It was going on midnight, and he figured she was asleep by then. He would see her tomorrow and with any luck he would talk her into leaving Mystique's house for good.

To Be Continued...

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