Hidden Truths: Part 2

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Rogue woke up extra early that morning, not only because it was her turn to make breakfast, but she wanted to do some snooping around. She remembered where Mystique left her extra keys, but she had always locked the study. Now would be the perfect time to go in there and see if she could find anything. She always came downstairs later than everyone else except when she had cooking duty, but the boys where lazy about getting out of bed most days. If it was the weekend, they wouldn't raise until well after noon.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and lifted up the loose board on the step. It was one of Mystique's secret hiding places that Rogue accidentally stumbled upon. It was a good thing that the blue woman didn't see her, so she picked up the keys and walked quietly to the study doors and unlocked it. She closed it back just in case anyone came down. Looked around she saw that everything was neat and in order. There wasn't anything out of place, and that in itself was suspicious. She didn't know anyone so OCD as her so-called mentor, seeing that everything in the room was placed meticulously to perfection. There wasn't even any dust in the room.

"Let's see what you're hidin'," she said and tried to open the drawers, but they too were locked.

Why locked drawers in a locked room? That alone told her she had something to hide. She tried the second key, but that didn't work, and then the third. Bingo. She hit pay dirt. The drawer sprung open and she saw a pile of files. She opened the first one, and it was one of the boys. It seemed that Mystique did her research when she recruited them all. There was a file on Fred, Lance, Pietro and Todd, but nothing on her. That was odd. Then she saw a large yellow envelope and opened it. Perhaps this was where she kept her research on her, but there was a picture on the inside but not of her but of a boy she knew, one of Remy's teammates.

"Nightcrawler?" she whispered. Perhaps Mystique attempted to recruit him too but got to him too late, but as she went through the rest of the contents, she saw other pictures of him, some as a baby and a little boy and there were letters written to her from a Mister C Wagner. That was Kurt's last name. Was she in contact with blue boy's parents? Then she thought that their resemblance was remarkable. She had never even seen one blue-skinned person, but two? It was strange. She took one of the letters and was about to read it, but then she heard a noise.

Damn! Someone was up, she thought to herself.

She stuck the letter in her pocket and put the rest of the things back in the drawers and locked it back. She had to find a way out. Then she remembered that Fred told her about a trap door hidden under the fur carpet in Mystique's office. He found out about it a few days before she came when Todd snuck in there looking to lift some money for burgers over the weekend. Mystique caught him trying to escape through the trap door. After that, she made a point to lock everything up.

She looked over at the other side of the desk and there it was, so she lifted the carpet and opened the trap door. It was the only thing that wasn't locked in this office. She quietly climbed down the stairs and saw that it led to the cellar and saw the outside opening and went through it. She ended up outside near their training area. If anyone asked her what she was doing outside she could just tell them she was getting in some extra morning exercise. She was in her jogging suit anyway, so no one would think it was weird.

Just to cover a little more she picked up her gloves and hit her bag a few times. This was the third one in a month Mystique had to replace with the new rule that Fred wasn't allowed to use it. She was going to have a special one made for him, one he hopefully wouldn't destroy with one punch.

She soon heard male voices coming from inside, so he made sure the letter she swiped was secure in her pocket and not able to be seen. "Hey, where's our breakfast?" It was Lance's voice. He could be a real pain in the ass but not like Pietro. He had this idea the moon and stars hung at his command. She had to remind him every so often the he was merely a speed demon and not the sun god Apollo.

"It's comin' if ya'll be patient," she said and stomped into the kitchen. She was now in a mood or wanted them to think she was. It would be a good enough cover so they wouldn't go prying.

"Okay, whatever, Rogue," Lance said as he and Pietro were about to leave the kitchen. As she was gathering her ingredients out of the refrigerator and cabinets, Pietro zipped behind her.

"I guess Blob wasn't doin' it for you last night," he said with a chuckle before zipping out of the kitchen.

Her mouth fell open in shock at what he was saying was just registering. Oh shit, that asshole saw Freddie coming out of mah room last night. She had to take control of this situation and fast. As well as having superfast feet, and he also had a superfast mouth and loved to spread gossip whether it was true or not.

Breakfast that morning was going to be interesting.

To Be Continued...

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