Revelations: Part 5

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Remy stayed frozen in his spot behind the tree until Fred's truck was out of sight. He never wanted to let her go, but she didn't give him much choice. Rogue was many things and one of those things was stubborn. It was one of the many reasons that he loved her.

Once her physical presence could no longer be felt he walked to his motorcycle and made his way home, or rather back to the Institute. That place was not going to feel like home, until his girl was there with him. He wished he could just storm into the Brotherhood House like some caveman and whisk her away by force, but he knew he couldn't do that to her. She had to figure this thing out for herself, and the only thing he could do for now was offer her his support. That didn't mean he wasn't going to worry about her, or take every advantage he got to steal a few moments alone with her. He would do that and no matter the risk.

He soon arrived at the institute and was greeted by Logan. He was standing near his parking space and smoking a cigar. "How was your date?"

"With ma Cherie it can only be heaven," he said. He had a faraway look and the gruff man smacked him lightly in the head to bring him back to reality. "Hey, what you do dat for?"

"To get your attention," Logan said. "You really love that girl, don't ya?"

"I've been in love wid her since I was seven years old," Remy said and looked away. "I'd do anyt'ing for her, even give up my life to save her, go anywhere t'find her."

"Wait a minute," Logan said and shook his head. "Is that why you came here?"

"So, what if it is?" Remy said. "Haven't you ever been in love before?"

"Yeah, once, but it didn't work out, but what is the deal with you and Rogue?"

"Well, before I came wid you to New York, Rogue and I had a thing going in New Orleans. Dat was until Mystique kidnapped her. I found out she was bringin' ma belle here, so let's jus' say I took de opportunity. Den when I met up wid her in school again she didn't remember me, so we came up wid a plan t'find out what was goin' on."

"Who's we?" Logan asked.

"Don't matter who, only dat we found out what dat witch was doin' to Rogue," Remy said. "I want her out of dat house, but she's stubborn. She always has been."

"And what about this letter?" Logan asked.

"It's in my room, but do you speak German?"

"No, but Chuck does," he said. "Look, the elf won't know anything about it at least until we find out if it's real."

"Good, and I hope this spyin' business is over soon," Remy said as they left the parking garage. He was silent all the way up to his room with Logan following him the whole way. All the other kids were in bed by then, but the two were quiet, so they didn't wake anyone.

Remy entered his room while Logan waited outside. Bruno was already asleep, and he was quite the grump if he was awakened for any reason. Remy pulled out the small iron box with the false bottom and pulled out the letter, and then returned the box to its hiding place.

He left the room without making a noise and met Logan in the hallway. "Here's de letter," he said and handed it to him. "I just hope Mystique doesn't discover it's missing, and if she does she doesn't figure out Rogue took it."

"Then we'll keep a close eye on her. The Prof has been sayin' for weeks somethin' wasn't right over at that house, and it had somethin' to do with Rogue. Don't worry, I figure before long your girl will be here with us."

"I hope so," Remy said and walked back into his room. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Rogue.

He's got it. Be safe and know I love you.

After she received the text, he knew she would delete it. It was an agreement they had come to. If anyone in that house were to look through her phone he didn't want any trace of her contacting him or any of the X-Men. He put his phone away and crawled into bed, his dreams consumed with nothing be her. 

This is the end of chapter 16, but there is more to come when Remy leaves caution to the wind breaks into the Brotherhood House when Rogue doesn't answer his text. Is she in trouble?

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