Revelations: Part 2

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Rogue made sure she was ready on time the next day. She didn't want to be late, and Fred was leaving at three that day to make it to the derby on time after dropping off Rogue. He had just gotten his driver's license and wasn't used to city roads and all its traffic. Even the residential streets were a bit of a challenge, but he did handle the old partially restored truck pretty well. He sank all of his money into it and was only half through restoring it.

"So, are you going to tell me who this guy is?" Fred asked. To the usual onlooker he would seem nosy, but he thought of Rogue like a sister and he was only concerned for her safety.

"Ah can't say right now," Rogue said. "If Mystique or the boys knew they wouldn't approve."

"Can't you tell me anything about him?" Fred asked.

"Only that he's like us," Rogue said, but Fred looked dumbfounded. "He's a mutant."

"Oh," Fred said. "Well, as long as he's not one of those X-geeks." Fred broke into laughter, and Rogue joined hoping to cover up the truth that Remy really was an X-Man. Keeping this secret wasn't going to be easy.

Fred dropped her off at the park, and she walked across it to a secluded part where she was meeting Remy. She sat there for a few minutes reading a book when she was approached by someone.

"Hey there, dark and sullen, what's a pretty little Goth like you going all alone?"

She looked up to see it was one of those dumb jocks from school. "Buzz off," she said and tried to go back to her reading.

The guy grabbed her book and tossed it on the ground. "Don't you know who I am?"

"Yeah," she said and stood up facing him. There was no fear in her eyes which only made his angrier. "You're just an asshole with no manners."

The guy responded by grabbing Rogue's wrist. If she hadn't been wearing gloves she would have absorbed him.

"Got dat right." Rogue recognized that voice belonging to her boyfriend. "I suggest you take your hands off my girl."

"What are you going to do if I don't?" the boy asked.

"Then ah'll kick your ass?" Rogue and kneed the guy in the groin. He fell to the ground doubled over in pain. "Pathetic," Rogue said, while shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

She and Remy both stood over him as he lay there in the fetal position. "Now, I suggest you crawl on out of here before you really get hurt." He had a playing card in his hand and barely charged it when the guy scampered away trying to get away from them.

After he was out of sight, Remy picked up her book and handed it to her. "Are you alright?"

"Ah'm fine," Rogue said as they sat down on the bench. "You think ah'd let a jerk like that manhandle me?"

"Dat ain't what I'm talkin''bout," he said and she turned away. The last thing she wanted to talk about was Mystique. "It's about what you found out."

"Ah'm angry," she said and she looked to the ground. "Ah don't like being manipulated like that."

"Den leave dat house," he said put an arm around her. "I worry about you bein' dare, especially wid dose boys."

"Are you jealous?" she asked and he just gave her a coy look. "You are." There was a hint of a laugh in her voice.

"It's just not fair dat dose boys gets to spend so much time wid you, but I don't."

"Well, we're here now," she said and pulled the necklace out of her purse and put it on. "So...what do you wanna do?"

"You have to ask, ma cherie," he said and leaned in to kiss her. Suddenly they heard a clapping noise, and Remy pulled away and looked up to see a familiar face. "Logan," he said trying to act innocent.

Yes, I left it with a cliffhanger. Now, Logan knows about their secret relationship. Will he spill the beans or join the conspiracy?

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