2. Planning the Demise of a Blonde Devil

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6TH HOUR Science can be summarized into two words : utterly boring.

Instead of focusing on class, I studied the many charts that graced the walls of the average sized classroom.

The one near the door was of  the human skeleton with the title 'The 206 bones that make up you'. Next to it was the picture of a dissected toad, followed by a dissected cockroach, followed by one of the millions of species of insects.

Our Science teacher seemed to be more interested in Biology then Chemistry or Physics.

Busying myself with the posters took up the first nine minutes of class. But in the end I turned back to staring aimlessly at the teacher that insisted on being addressed as Professor Alonius Steward.

He was as thin as a pole, with long, tangled up dirty brown hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in ages. His face resembled that of a toad, which was ironic given that he was standing right under the chart of the dissected replica.

Mr Steward was teaching the whole entire class into unconsciousness as he went on and on about what life would had been like if there wasn't any means of electricity.

Boring, maybe but better than this, I thought, in response to his topic.

He had already enlightened everyone that his teaching method was theory and no practical, claiming that that was a privilege only for the upper levels of high school.

We were not going to be getting along. I always enjoyed the practical side of Science. I preferred a more hands on approach.

"Hey you," the guy on my right whispered. With a closely shaven head and brown eyes, he was average. He smiled at me, bright blue braces almost blinding me as they made an appearance.

Not recognizing him, I concluded he was referring to someone else.

I turned to my left, looking at the raven haired boy on the other side whose eyes were drooping slowly shut.

After concluding I was the you he was referring to, I turned back, "What?" I asked, keeping my voice low enough to not be caught by the teacher.

Instead of answering me back, he held out something in his hands before opening it.

There was a note in it.

I grabbed the note and slipped it into my opened notebook quickly before I was caught. After knowing for sure that Mr Steward hadn't noticed our exchange, I opened it.

Ian's hot, right?

I was a little bit confused. After all both her and Lisha knew I thought Ian was good looking, and they had warned me to not fall for his face, claiming he was a heartbreaker in the making.

Obviously, but you already knew that

I passed the note back to the guy, waiting for him to pass it back to Gianna. Instead of passing it to the girl sitting on his right, he passed it to the guy sitting behind him, who then passed it on the the girl sitting next to him, who then passed it to the guy sitting at the very back of the class.

Blake Flynn.

As this process occurred, I was about ready to scream out, 'Stop!' But I didn't, because I didn't want to look even more of an idiot.

After all, it was my fault.

I had been the one who didn't even question whether or not it was really Gianna who sent it.

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