7. A Beau-tiful Mistake

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Practice finished at  six, later than usual and all I wanted at that moment was to sink into a bathtub filled to the brim with ice and just let it cool my system down.

Despite my stop over at FroYos for some strawberry yogurt on my way home, I still wanted something to cool me down and the fact that our AC system had just happened to have broken down that morning didn't help at all.

The mouthwatering scent of mom's homemade lasagna hit me as soon as I got out of my car, wafting and scrumptiously reminding me that I hadn't grabbed an energy bar before practice started and that not only was I tired and sweating, my stomach was empty. 

"Sky, is that you hon?" I heard mom's voice coming from the direction  of the dining room.

"Yeah mom," I called back as I dropped my keys on the coffee table in the living room along with my training bag. "Lasagna for dinner?"

I heard her shuffling around before she replied, "Uh huh. You hungry?"

"Famished." I walked into the dining room to see her sitting on a chair, going through some bills. "What you doing?"

"Just sorting out the mail, hon. Nothing much." She looked up to face me, smiling as she took off her granny glasses that I'd asked her many times to throw away. It made her look much older than she really was. "Oh, I was talking to Sienna on the phone today and -"

"Mrs Rodgers?" I asked her despite already knowing the answer to that question.

Mom nodded. "And she-"

"What were you guys talking about?" I interrupted again as my mind raced thinking about what could my mom possibly be talking about with dad's boss' wife and my worst enemy's mother.

Mom sighed in frustration as she rubbed just above the bridge of her nose. "If you'd let me finish, then maybe you'll find out."

I smiled at her apologetically. "Sorry. Go ahead."

"Sienna was asking me about where you would be travelling to the summer after graduation, because Ian and a couple of his friends would be going to Spain." She smiled at the obvious mention of Ian. Unlike me, mom was a huge fan of Ian, always talking about how he was a nice, responsible boy that always took care of his younger sister.

Of course she didn't know him like I did. But if she did, she, like me, would totally be running an Anti-Ian Fan Club.

"So, where were you and the girls thinking of going?" she asked.

"Uhmm..." I walked towards the fridge just a couple of feet away in the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of Fiji Water. "Obviously Europe," I added as I thought of where we should go for the summer. The girls and I hadn't really discussed it, all we'd discussed so far had reached up to the point that we would be spending the summer together, travelling.

"We haven't really discussed it. But, definitely not Spain," I pointedly mentioned that, in case she had this big idea of planning to send me along with Ian and his group of no-gooders. "Oh, and France. Definitely not France."

Zac had put a damper in my desire of seeing the City of Love.

"Why not France?" mom asked pointedly as she continued going through the mail, again with her granny glasses on. "I hear it's a beautiful place."

"I just..." I didn't know what to say.

That I didn't want to visit the place because I just happened to meet a French guy today who was besties since the nappy days with Ian, and that that was reason enough for me to hate France?

That was like saying that I hated pizza just because Ian liked pizza. Which was total bullshit. Nothing can stop me from liking pizza. Not even Adolf Hitler had inventing pizza would do it, and I'm the person that wrote a five page essay on why Adolf Hitler deserved to die.

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