8. Letting Out Frustrations

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THE WHOLE TOWN was buzzing about the upcoming football match between the Iyllar Panthers and the Baxter Beavers. Posters were plastered all over the school and the town. Wherever you went, you'd see the A3 red and black posters, the school colors.

You would have thought the game was this weekend and not in two weeks with the hype going around the entire town. Of course, the hype went along with the royal treatment.

The royal treatment had been what the girls and I had dubbed the way the football team was treated when a game against the Beavers was coming up.

All around the town, most of the shops would have signs on their windows saying things like, 'Iyllar High football families dine for 50% off' or 'Buy one, get three free *Applicable only to the Iyllar football team'.

As if that didn't add to their already growing ego, the teachers even contributed. They'd make us write a four page essay on the chemical bonds between atoms, while the boys would get away with handing in a 500-worded summary on the subject.

"Sky," I heard Lisha call out just as soon as I opened my locker and spotted my Calculus II textbook tucked away the corner. I turned around in the direction of her calls and spotted her running towards me, wearing the blue summer dress I'd gotten for her just last month.

She hugged me briefly when she reached me, a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Lisha," I pulled out my textbook before closing my locker again. "What's got you in a bright mood today?" I looked around for Gianna. "Where's Gianna?" I hadn't seen them this morning. They'd called this morning to say Gianna's father would be dropping them off.

"Mr Tiberius stopped her on the way in to talk about something council related," Lisha replied as she rolled her eyes, just as she always did at the mention of the student council, which Gianna was a member of.

I nodded. "I guess they're still talking over the theme?"

Lisha nodded as she continued smiling like she was suffering from a small case of laughing gas intoxication.

"And you're resembling the Joker because..."

Even being called the Joker didn't damper the smile.

She grabbed my arm tightly before she dragged me around the corner, where only two girls were getting stuff out of their lockers. They immediately left when they spotted us.

As soon as they'd left, she released my arm. "Blake asked me out..."

My confusion was soon replaced by a scowl and a wave of irritation as soon as her words registered. "He what?"

She nodded erratically, smiling with such a huge smile that I was worried it would be forever etched on her face. "He did." She looked like she was about to jump up and down with excitement, with enough energy to hike up Mt. Everest with no oxygen tank.

"He didn't," I muttered out, feeling like screaming out in misery. That only-good-for-being-a-human-charcoal, piece of shit!

I couldn't bring myself to mirror Lisha's euphoria. After all, the idiot had literally forced himself on me just a few weeks ago and he had the gall to ask out my best friend. And  here I thought he had none, because of his girly scream back then. Even if he did, he wouldn't soon.

Lisha sighed with a small bout of frustration. "Fine. He didn't necessarily ask me out on a one on one but he did invite me too."

"What do you mean?"

"He said everyone's going out to the Peak this Saturday and that we should come along." Lisha had a dreamy smile on her face and I knew she was probably thinking of Blake as she spoke.

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