4. Troublesome Caffeine

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After sulking my towards Biology, I knew instantly that it would not be on my list of top 3 classes for the year.

One, both of my trusted friends had ditched me and opted for Arts instead of sticking it out with me.

Two, Ian was also in this class. As if I needed him to add even more reason to why I didn't like this class.

Three, Blake was also in this class. Obviously I still disliked the guy. Actually, I hated him. I'd seen way too many strung along girls getting their hearts broken by him and honestly, that was a big factor to my hatred.

Another would obviously be what happened three years back.

And four, the only empty sit that was available by the time I ran into class was right next to Blake and right in front of Ian Rodgers.

Lisha and her need for caffeine! I had planned to ditch my coffee run despite promising my parents but Lisha said that she would let them if know if I did and to stop at the nearest Starbucks. This all in all led to me almost being late for first period.

And five, the ultimate reason for my distaste , IAN WAS STILL IN THIS CLASS.

I turned around to check and there he was.

He looked up as if he sensed that I was looking at him. His eyes settled on me, a smirk availing itself instantly. "Hey Sky. Nice of you to join us."

I rolled my eyes at him as I always did whenever he opened that mouth of his.

The nightmare of this morning appeared again in clearly in my head in Full HD resolution as I stared back at him. Then after what felt like forever of our usual death-glare contest which I won, I turned back around.

I could hear Ian and the rest of his friends talking about the party at his place this weekend.

The last party at his place had ended with two cops coming around after a noise complaint was filed and the party ending promptly at nine fifty. It had been so loud that their neighbour had heard it, and they lived almost a mile out. This time, Ian had apparently convinced his parents that it wouldn't get out of hand and that he had everything under control.

Everyone had been invited and that convinced me in itself that this party would end in a bang and not the good type. Despite sound-proof walls and all that expensive, high-tech thing, there was no stopping the level of noise that hundreds of hormonal teenagers would cause.

"Sky, you coming?" Sam Walters, the lacrosse team captain who sat on my right asked out of nowhere as he nudged my arm.

I shook my head. "I have to work on the routine for the pep rally," I replied as I typed out a strongly-worded text to Lisha on how caffeine is not good for your health and the fact that it had virtually just messed up my whole day.

"Oh, come on Sky. That can wait. Isn't the pep rally in a month?" He gave me his signature smiled that the student body had dubbed 'the lady killer' as he arched a brow, leaning in too close for comfort. "Besides, it won't be a party with the head cheerleader missing. Right guys?"

Two other guys gave their approval as they made noises like uncivilized apes.

"First," I placed my hands on his quite firm chest and pushed him back, "I don't appreciate the whole shower of musky cologne you're giving me right now. And secondly, I, unlike you, Sam have responsibilities that I take seriously. You and I are different in that, and I do not like people thinking they can change my mind when it is set. Okay?"

"Relax Sky," I turned to face Ian who was leaning forward into his table as he came closer to me. "The guy was just being friendly."

I cast him a glare to shut him up. Instead he arched a brow at me, almost taunting me with his smile. "Shut up Ian. No one asked for your opinion." I turned back to Sam. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm good for Friday." I turned back to face the front just as Mr Park walked into the class.

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