5. Zachary Bonfils

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The following week was torture.

Rumors of Blake and I being caught together spread like quick fire the day after the stupid party. It grew more with every whispered conversation.

Soon the conclusion was that Blake and I had slept with each other and was caught in Ian's room doing the deed.

I knew for certain that Ian was the one spreading the stupid rumor. I didn't even need confirmation because it was Ian.

My hatred for him didn't damper if anything by this development. In fact, if anything, it grew tenfold.

Why was he out to get me? Why me of all people?

"Is it true?" Lisha asked me for, since the last count, the tenth time this week.

Her expression made me want to get in my car and run Ian down before I poured concentrated sulphuric acid all over him and his prized Letterman jacket.

I could tell Lisha was torn between trusting our friendship and believing the rumor that seemed to be the story of the year in our small town.

"It's not," I replied firmly, my eyes stared intently at her, trying to show her how honest I was being.

She stared back me for a couple of seconds before she could form a reply. "Really?" she asked, her face brightening up a bit whilst still remaining apprehensive.

"Yes. I'd never do that to you, Lisha. You or Gianna mean the world to me. I would never let what happened to Rynna happen to us," I said, giving her a hug. She squeezed me back in return to let me know that she believed me just as Ian and his  mindless group of friends passed by.

I glared at the two people I hated more than vegemite at the moment.

Neither of them chanced a look at us.

If only looks could kill.

* * *

I sighed loudly as the bell rang, signalling for next period. 

Grabbing my Calculus textbook, I almost ran out the door.

After an hour of having to shove equations of integration into my brain, I had hoped for a free period in order to get my bearings. Unfortunately, the accursed teachers had put Biology right after Calculus for me.

Another period that was going to be devoted to nothing but eternal torture from Ian and Blake.

Just get through the day without murdering someone, I muttered under my breath as I strolled down the halls.

As I turned the corner, I spotted Grey standing by his locker with a group of soccer players with him.

After the incident at Ian's party that night, I'd left the party without telling Grey I'd be leaving.

And ever since, I still hadn't gotten around to apologizing for ditching him.

I walked over to him, trying to think of a way to word the truth.

The smile that had been on his face as he talked with his friends disappeared once his eyes met mine.

His smile was replaced with a nonchalant expression.

"Hey Grey," I tried to smile to act like I wasn't fazed.

"Uh...hey Sky," he said half-heartedly. His voice sounded like it took everything in him to sound glad to see me.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah sure," he mumbled out, before turning to face his friends. "Guys, see ya later?"

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