Chapter 12 - Love Or Heartbreak?

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 “So what were you saying?” I said with a smirk on my face; not that Calum knew because my face was buried into his warmed toned chest.

“Will you b...”

“Yes, Calum I will.”

“What will you be?”

“I will be your girlfriend.”

And before I got the chance to smile his lips connected to mine leading towards a soft but passionate kiss.

I really did love him. I know love is an overused word and it hasn’t even been 2 minutes of being together, but ever since I moved here I really was falling for him and was falling fast. Wait a second. His mine? I’m his? I got to get used to this.

“I forgot to tell you, the boy’s are coming over soon to check on you.”

“Yay, I’ve missed them.”

Moment’s had past and we were both getting utterly bored.

“How about we play a game?”

“What sorta game?” I same sitting up slightly but not losing my warmth.

“So, you know how we are together?”

“Yes?” Where is he going with this? I am confused?

“Okay, well, we have to act completely normal around them.”

“What do you mean Calum?” I said giving him a concerned look.

“Let’s see how long it takes them to realise we are together?”

This could get interesting.

It was now late in the afternoon and we were all surrounded around the lounge room watching mean girls. Luke on a single couch. Ashton and Michael on the two seater while Calum and I both sat with our backs leaning against the couch that Ashton and Michael were sitting on. It was really hard to keep my distance from him but I managed to keep hold of his hand without them noticing. Well, I’m hoping they hadn’t noticed.

“If you’re from Africa, why are you white?” Michael said with a white girl’s voice. 

“You can’t just ask people why there white.” Calum said with a high pitch voice but in between saying it his voice went all deep which caused a fit of laughter.


“I’m getting a drink, hope you don’t mind Em”

“Help yourself.”

“Anybody want one?”

“Yes” Michael groaned not taking his eyes off the TV.

“no thanks.”

“Yes please”

“Want me to help you Luke? You can be a bit clumsy when it comes to cups.” Calum said with the biggest smirk on his face.

“Excuse me? Say’s the one that had the last accident with the cups? I rest my case.”

“Two is better than one.” Calum said jumping to his feet and racing towards the kitchen.

He was acting rather weird and extremely happy.

“Why are you so happy c-dizzle.” I said clicking my fingers in a z formation.

“Happy? Me? What makes you think that?”

“By the ridiculous fucking smile on your face.”

“Can I not be smiling and happy without a reason?”

“No you can’t.”

The next 20 minutes consisted of Michael and Ashton arguing over Nemo or Happy Feet. I had no say in it because basically I couldn’t fit a word in.

After finally deciding on Nemo we all sat back down.

“Where’s Em?” I said aiming my words at Calum.

“She went to call Kirri, we were going to hang out with her remember.”

*EM’S P.O.V*

After hearing Michael and Ashton argue over a movie it finally came to me, I completely forgot about Kirri.

“I’ll be back, I have to call Kirri” I whispered into Calum’s ear.

Walking up stairs I grabbed my phone from my pocket and searched through my contacts for Kirri’s number. Clicking call I waited for the ringing to stop and for her to answer. After about 15 rings there was still no answer. I called another 2 times and there was still no answer. I resulted to calling her mum. After 3 rings the voice of Kirri’s mum answered the phone. I could hear the weeping within her voice.

“Sorry for this call, just wondering is Kirri around?”

The line went silent for 10 seconds when her mum spoke up with complete and utter horror in her voice.

“Is this Em?” is what I heard throughout her muffled voice.

“Yes? Is everything okay?”

At this point in time I started to get really worried. What’s going on?

“I’m sorry Em.”

“Why are you sorry?”

“Just, I, read her facebook.”

And with that the line went dead.

Read her facebook? What does she mean?

I walked into my room seeing objects laying everything. I should probably clean my room.

Opening and turning on my computer I logged into facebook, searching Kirri’s name up on facebook.

Letting the page load my heart was beating so fast.

“Please stop crying princess, please explain to me?” Calum said comforting me in his arms.


Hey beautiful people! I am incredibly sorry i haven't updated in forever but surprise i finally updated. I promise this will involve some action/drama or just something exciting in the next chapter. Thankyou for reading and i love love love you.

did any of you go to the sydney 5sos concert? and is anyone going to the melbourne one? hopefully i'll see you there. 


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