Chapter 6 - Skype

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Me and the boys were all piled onto my bed, after a long tiring day at school. I brought them all home because I thought it was about time dad met them, considering I’ve basically spent the last week or more with them.  It went better than I thought, dad didn’t embarrass me, they all got along great, what more could I ask for.

We were all seated on my bed with our phones out, silence all around the room, not an awkward silence, just a comfortable one. I figure they were tweeting their fans.


I looked down to see a text from Calum, “Hi, hehe x” I looked up and saw him blushing while trying not to make any eye contact with me at all. I didn’t bother replying because eventually the boys looked a bit suss with what was going on.

“Calum what are you doing?” Luke said with a smirk on his face.

“Tweeting our fans?” he said quickly tapping into the twitter app.

what a sneaky boy I thought to myself.


“Let’s go get a drink, I’m thirsty”

“Why didn’t you just say it? Not text it? Silly boy.” I said then pressing the send button.

“Anyone want a drink?” they all replied yes in sync and then laughed it off.

“I’ll come with you; you won’t be able to hold that many cups.” Calum said getting up off of the bed.

We both made our way down stairs into the kitchen.

“Where’s your dad?”

“I am not quite su-“ I said after finding a note stuck on the bench.

“I’ll be home in a couple of hours, gone grocery shopping.”

“Does this answer your question I said passing the note to Calum.”

I grabbed out 5 cups and filled them up with water while Calum stood their staring at me.



I was confused. Why was he staring at me? Was there something on my face?

“CCCCCCALUM?” I said waving my arms around in the air trying to get his attention.

“Everything alright down there?” Michael yelled from upstairs.

“ops, yes, everything is fine, sorry boys.” I yelled back.

In the mean time, Calum was out of his staring mood and had tried grabbing all 5 of the cups.

“Calum, that is probably not a good id-“ Before I could even finish the sentence, all 5 cups where scattered everywhere with water all over the floor.

All the boys from upstairs ran out of my bedroom overlooking from the stairs, and they basically were in fits of laughter.

“I best clean this up then.” Calum said trying not to laugh anymore.

“It’ll be fine, just go up stairs and I’ll clean it up.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m certain.”

And with that, I felt a pair of hands form around my waist.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for what Calum?” I said breaking the hug.

“Just thank you, hehe.” and with that he walked upstairs.

I was a tad confused on why he was thanking me but I continued to pick up all 5 of the cups and put them in the sink and grabbed out the mop and bucket from the closet. I filled it up with hot steamy water and mopped the floor on where the water had been spilt. Half way through doing the mopping the thoughts on what happened on Skype with Kirri came to my mind. Should I confront them? Do they not want me to know? What do I do?

All I Have (5 seconds of summer)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα