Chapter 10 - What Happened?

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Where was I? What was I doi-. Before I could finish my thoughts a sharp pain ran through my jaw line. Whatever had happened last night must have been bad. I adjusted my eyes open properly so I was able to see everything without a blurry perspective. I tossed my head side to side to observe where I was. Was I in hospital? What is going on? I tilted my head back to the left to see Calum sleeping peacefully in the hospital arm chair. Why is he here? Where are the boys? What is going on? Why am I connected to all these tubes? So many things were going through my head when I heard Calum groan in his sleep.

“Calum?” I said whispering but loud enough for him to hear.  

I saw him toss his head towards where I was lying and his eyes widened. Before I could ask any questions he jumped out of the arm chair and raced over to the bed I was in.

“EMMMMMMMMMMM, You are awake! I have been worried sick so has everybody else.”

“Calum? What am I doing here? What is going on?” I said as tears started to poor down my cheeks.

“Don’t cry beautiful, it’s going to be okay.” and with that he gripped my hand and kissed my cheek.

“You are welcome to leave now, but before you do, I’d like you to take one of these tablets twice a day for the next 4 days.” Said the doctor holding up a bottle of pills.

I walked out of the hospital hand in hand with Calum; after all I was still really dizzy.

“Em, I was so worried about you.” Dad said opening the backdoor for me.

“I’m sorry daddy, don’t blame any of the boy’s, it was my entire fault.” I said stumbling into the car.

We’d just arrived home and frankly all I wanted to do was lay in bed. My jaw hurt, I felt sick and all I wanted was cuddles. Calum undid his seatbelt and got out of the car making his way to my side of the car and opening the door.

Within the matter of minutes I was now tucked into bed with Calum sitting at the end of the bed.

“Calum, you look really tired, why don’t you go home and get some sleep.”

“I’m not leaving you beautiful, I was so worried about you.”

“I’m fine now Calum so you don’t need to worry.”

“I don’t care, I’m not leaving.”

“Fine, at least can you please get some sleep here.” I said patting the empty lying space beside me.

“If you insist” Calum said crawling in beside me.

“Calum, what happened last night?”

“It doesn’t matter sweetheart, as long as you are okay.”

“Calum! What happened?”



“Was it those girls?” he said with a pout on his face.

I had adjusted to what he just said and all the images from last night came back. The arms grabbing me. The girls faces. The punch to the jaw. Everything had just come back to me.

“Em? Hello?”

“Calum, it was those girls.” After finishing saying that the tears started to pour out.

“Calum what have I ever done to hurt any of you boys? Why do your fans hate me? I never intended on hurting them?”

“Em, calm down please. Just listen to me. You haven’t hurt any of us boys. We love you all a lot. Our fans don’t hate you; some fans just go over the top. I promise we will make it up to you. You didn’t deserve any of this.”



“I.. i... i love you.”

“I love you too beautiful.” He said gripping my hand tighter.

“Calum, I truly do mean it though, I love you.” 


Hey guys! Sorry i didn't update sooner. It's really hard with school back and everything but this fanfic won't be stopping for a long long long time. Thankyou guy's for reading, it mean's a lot. I really do hope you're all enjoying. Also i'm really sorry for this short chapter, i will make it up to you, i promise. I love you.


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