Chapter 3 - Unpredictable

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I woke up to a voice. "Em, Em? Emmm? You need to wake up hunny, you have school." I quickly jumped up and realised I fell asleep in my uniform. Must have fallen asleep after signing out of Facebook last night after I got home from school.

I quickly got up out of bed after realising the time, I jumped in the shower and quickly washed my hair. I blow dried it and put my school uniform back on even though it was really crinkly after sleeping in it.

I parted my hair down the middle and straightened it. I then lightly applied some foundation, powder, blush and then some mascara to make my lashes look nice and long.

I ran down stairs, to realise dad had toast made for me. It reminded me so much of mum because she used to do it every morning, but I pushed that thought to the back of my head.

After demolishing the toast, I checked my phone to see the time saying 8:25. "Dad, it's time to go" "Okay, go hop in the car, ill be there in a second."

I ran outside and jumped into the car, waiting for dad. We had finally reached school and there was people everywhere, it was very confronting but I knew I had to get over it.

I walked in the gates while suddenly being confronted by Luke.

"Hello Em, how are you?"

"Good thankyou."

"Oh Em, I forgot to mention to you, you need to come find your locker."

I followed him into the locker bay and find a locker without a lock. I grabbed my stuff and put it into my locker.

"Luke? I don't have a lock."

As soon as I finished that sentence, he handed me a lock. "You're lucky I have a spare one" he said smiling. "Um, what about a ke.." Before I could even finish my sentence, he pulled out a key. "Wow, your really organised," I said sounding surprised.

He stood there trying not to giggle.

The bell had just rang and everyone was running around crazy in the locker bay, it was quite loud considering 3 minutes ago is was just me and Luke nearly in silence.

"Grab your books, ill go grab mine and meet you at the door of the locker bay," Luke said.

I unlocked my locker and read my timetable. HG, 9.00-9.10. I assumed that was home group, then period one and two I have English and Maths.

I grabbed my new fresh smelling exercise books for Maths and English, and then locked my locker.

I squeezed my way through every body trying not to trip. I reached the door to see all four of the boys standing there, "Good morning," Michael, Ashton and Calum all said in sync. "Good morning," I said trying not to be caught in their beautiful eyes. "What home group room are you in?" Ashton said

"Ummm, room 10 I'm pretty sure." sounding a tad confused. "Your in me and Luke's home group." Michael said sounding a bit too excited.

"Me and Calum are in room 9." Ashton said.

The bell had just gone and we all went our separate ways to our home groups. To be honest I was really happy that I was with Michael and Luke, at least I felt a little bit more comfortable.

"After you," Michael said letting me walk in first. We were the first ones here, which was a plus. At least I didn't have to walk in with everyone staring at me as if I had just killed someone. I followed Michael to where he sits and pulled up a chair beside him, Luke did the same. "How was your first day? What classes did you have?" "It was okay, can't complain, I had cooking." "Any of the boys in it?" "Yeah, Luke is" I smiled and looked over at him.

"I feel sorry for you Em, his a horrible cooker." He smirked towards Luke

"That's not very nice," I said with a pout on my face. Before either of them could reply, everyone including the home group teacher came running through the door and took their seats.

"Cameron?" "Here" "Bella?" "Here" I totally zoned out to what this teacher was saying until I felt Luke nudge me. "Em?" "Oh yes, sorry, I'm here." "Okay class, I'd like you all to be nice to Em, this is her first full day of school."

Everyone started to mumble and look at me. For the next 5 minutes Luke, Michael and I just sat there talking until the bell rang.

It was now first period, and I found out that I had Maths, English and Science with my home group. Well that's great, guess I have the first two classes with Michael and Luke today. At least I wasn't alone. Maths seemed to feel like it was going on for years and I had absolutely no idea what we were learning so I sneakily copied over Michaels shoulder, hoping the teacher wouldn't catch me. After awhile I realised I didn't know any of my teachers names.

"What this teachers name," I said nudging Luke making him screw up his writing. "Mr Phillips," he said without taking his face off the white board.

*skip to the end of english*

I could tell Michael didn't exactly enjoy English, because all he did was fidget with his pen. I will admit English isn't such a great subject, I tried my best to motivate myself to complete the work but I could tell all three of us were just going to talk and joke around a lot.

"Hey guys, how was Maths and English," Calum said.

Michael just shrugged his shoulders and looked at me. "Maths was boring as per usual and English went quite fast." "What do you all have next," I said putting my books back in my locker. They all looked at me and laughed. I realised they all had their bags on their backs but I didn't question it. "Why are you laughing at me?" "It's a half day Em, teachers are on strike for the rest of the day." Calum said still trying not to laugh. "Since when?" "Since last week" Michael said butting in. "Didn't you tell her?" Ashton said to Luke. "I forgot guys, but she knows now so it's all good." "Okay guys, well I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait, would you like to come to the plaza with us, and do some shopping and get a bite to eat?" Calum asked with all the boys agreeing.


hey guys! My friend Em (yes I used her name for this fanfic hahaha) has been helping me heaps with the chapters so big shoutout to her!! She's fab.

Okay so I was thinking of maybe making this a joined fanfic with me and Em (not the one in the fanfic lol) and we could both write the chapters but we aren't too sure yet. If you could comment what you think it'd mean a lot!

Feel free to comment, vote, like and fan if you want!

Thanks for reading! Xxx

Twitter - Briannnna5sos

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