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Michael walks the streets of Sydney with only a guitar and a backpack that hangs loosely off his left shoulder. He walks quickly seeing that the sky looks overcast and gets the hint that it was going to rain soon.

"Shit." He curse. Pulling his hoodie over his head, he holds his guitar tighter, trudging toward a nearby alley.

Michael runs his hand through his newly colored red hair in frustration. Sighing heavily he looks down the alley, assuring himself he'll be safe for the night.

Michael jumps at the sight of a rat running over his boots. "Jesus!" He lets out a shaky breath, walking down the alley way.

"Guess this'll have to do." He tells himself. He sets his belongings against the brick wall, opening his backpack. He rummages through it only to see he's out of food.

"Wow isn't this the best day ever." Sarcasm drips from his voice, rolling his eyes in the process.

His stomach grumbles but he ignores it and places his bag down to lay his head upon it.

"Hopefully tomorrow will be better." He mumbles. With his last words of the night, he falls asleep to the sound of rain beating on the sidewalk and the squeaks of mice running around looking for scraps.


"Excuse me?" Michael hesitantly taps the man's shoulder. The occupied looking man looks up from whatever he was doing, raising his eyebrows for him to continue.

"Do you have the time?" Michael didn't dare sit on the bench next to him. Only standing to the side, ready to proceed in looking for any type of money he could find.

"Ten-thirty." He spoke harshly, probably hoping for Michael to leave him alone already.

Michael got the hint and left. Studying the park, he notices a small crowd. The curious boy decides to check the commotion out. Besides, he has nothing better to do. As he gets closer he could hear faint music coming from a guitar. And that's when he hears the voice. It was the most angelic voice he's ever heard. Scratch that, it was the most angelic sound he's ever heard. He has to see who is singing. He just has to. So setting his small amount of belongings behind a nearby tree, he walks over to the crowd. He can't see who it is, but he did notice a blond quiff. And that's about all he could capture. Michael recognizes the song the blond quiff is playing. He was doing an amazing cover of Please Don't Go by Mike Posner. Michael wants to meet this so called blond quiff. And he wasn't going to give up on it neither.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. It's just a prologue anyways. The chapters will most likely be a bit more longer. Anyways thanks for reading! Please vote! I just started writing again, so I hope it doesn't suck. *crosses fingers*

xx.J (*^_^*)

"No Secrets" || ot4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora