Back to real civilization. I met Juan (I told you about him, right?) He took me around and we even hit the dance floor last night! My Latin dance is still incomparable to him. He's in a happy relationship right now and happy about us, too. They're so good together, not to mention how gorgeous his boyfriend is. So good looking that I tried not to keep staring at him. Forgive me, Guntur, but I just couldn't resist :)

Love you lots, dear



New York,

March 20


It feels so weird being in my apartment again after traveling that has changed me in so many ways. And meeting you was the best thing that happened in my life. I just couldn't wait to finish this mission and hold you and never let go. New York is still busy, still, a city that never sleeps. Went to Broadway last night and saw The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night Time. I hated the book, but the play was surprisingly really good! The actor who plays Christopher captured the emotion that I didn't get when I read the book. I think it could be our date one day.




Los Angeles,

April 2


Visiting my sister and my parents and told them every detail of my mission and how we met. They said, in their own way, that I should see you soon and they're curious to know more about you. When I told them, I already did, they looked at me and said, "And why are you still here?" I love them so much for being so supportive. I can't wait to take you here and meet them. They will adore you like I do, well, just not as much. For the first time, I really really wish you were here, Guntur. I don't know how to handle this feeling of missing you so much. I'll meet you soon, okay?

A thousand deep kisses,



Salzburg, Austria,

April 9


My first postcard from Europe! I'm getting closer! Excited! Europe has always been beautiful during spring. I got a smile on my face just thinking to hold your hands while walking around in Mirabell Palace. I'll definitely steal a kiss from you. Just hold on a little longer, baby. I'll be there shortly. You won't even know how times could pass quickly. I'm listening to Do-Re-Mi while sitting on the grass where Julie Andrews shot the scene in The Sound of Music. Thought it will make you smile

Your admirer,



Cologne, Germany,

April 13


I'm sitting in a park near Cologne Cathedral where I can see Rheine and also that famous love padlock bridge, Hohenzollernbrücke. While writing you this, I'm thinking of us having our own padlock there. Wouldn't it be romantic? It may sound silly, but I've been doing silly things since I met you because my mind is too occupied by doing things that make you happy. You know how much I love you.

I'm getting closer, baby,



THE SHADES OF RAINBOWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora