VIII_ "Pray For Prey"

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It was the alcohol. I felt so bad for her, and myself. And the boys for having to see that. The beer was starting to wear off, I could feel that. Everything was starting to become more clearer, there were roamers in the forest. That drove me insane.

But I wanted to find her. I didn't want to lose her. I loved her and... I fucked up.


Affliction was packed to the brim with walkers. The survivors barely held the title 'minority' as they fought for their lives.

As Tayfun sprinted, quickened breathes as he skidded past tree trunks. Swishing twigs and branches.

To his dismay, the early morning shadows presented another before him.
Tayfun, cussing in his head, stopped at a full. Ducking behind a nearby rose bush, he briskly scoped out his acquaintances. 

"This one was easy. But there's nothing in the pockets or anything." Said Hayden about the rotting corpse beneath him.
"Well, fear not. Look what I found." Feyza shook a flashlight in her hand with dead roamers behind her.
"May-yyy-be we shouldn't turn that on."
"Course' not,"
Waving him on, Feyza ordered.
"C'mon. We should find some place to stay."
He nodded in the slight fog of the morning.
As he Hayden walked away with her. Tayfun could barely hear their echos.

Just before he could emerge from the rose bush. Just before he could continue his mission to reunite with his girlfriend.

He felt a short spike wound his neck. It wasn't a walker bite. But when he fell back onto the red roses, clutching his blood spillage he gazed up in agony. Spotting half a dozen incognito figures above him. They were silent as he slowly struggled to manage words, ending in vocal failure.

The last thing Tayfun took note of was a glittering jade emblem, laying strung from a neck.

After he had huffed his last. The hunters then sprinted off together. In Hayden and Feyza's direction.

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