III _ "A New Day"

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The schedule was tight. It took them almost three hours to get to the mountain woods. La Lune didn't have much time to spare before it was time to leave. So the euphoria was shared greatly as they zoomed closer to the Adversity opening.

Forest Affliction was beautiful, the orange autumn leaves sprung back and forth in the oxygen. Luscious, deep brown and solid tree trunks stood with sturdiness.

The single road down took many long, curved turns. Students were full of excitement and worry. As if it were a roller coaster that could crash at any given time.

Bus one in front, bus two behind, bus three following and bus four struggling to keep up. That was the formation that didn't change throughout the vacation.


My battery life was on about 89%. I had always tried to conserve battery for as long as I could.

The male teacher called out to us, telling us that we weren't very far.
With the bus cheering in enthusiasm, I sat unoccupied.

After all the time that had past, not once did I turn my attention to anyone, not even the girl next to me, who had supposedly been on SnapChat the whole time, she was taking photos of her wrist that had been bitten.

That was awkward.
I didn't ask her about it, I assumed it was a dog bite or something, after she'd snap a picture she'd quickly hide it behind her sleeve to cover up the possible blood spill.

It felt weird being close to somebody like that, somebody sick and that wasn't able to seek help.

She didn't know me and I didn't know her, but I knew that her wound would soon become infected.

Ignoring it, I just continued to surround myself with the volume of my playlist. Maybe I should have said something to the teacher. Too bad I didn't, too bad they found out after it was too late.


The back row was hectic. All us boys having a rave, it was fun, it really was.

We were closing in now. But that didn't stop me from pounding another 'playful' punch into Josh's areola.

He was busy on the phone to his girl Latesha. They were a kick-back couple who knew how to have fun, but were a bitch when you crossed them. So I never intentionally made it that way between us.

We were all having fun, but when we came up to the huge cliff. That's when it all started to go down.

This huge ridge, the road curved in a circular formation, easily able to accidentally float off. Well, I was in 9A, so my bus was taking the lead... We were lucky.

Anita was right, I spoke to her, she wasn't much of a conversationalist then, but she was right. She told me she thought something bad was going to happen, and something did.

Her class was with mine, she's in 9B and so it was easy to be there for her when she started to freak out. She only did that twice and even with her friends I still wanted to be there to make sure she was safe.

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