VII_ "Losing Grace"

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After the tree climbing incident, the book smarts had conjured up enough weariness to fall asleep. On piles of leaves and high up in trees, they were happy to burn off fatigue.

But they were awoken, in the middle of Affliction, the moonlight dawned on them as yet another horde of infected came upon them.

Lexy tossed the makeshift bludgeon over to Grace and she caught it in her hand.

Swiftly then, Grace ducked passed a launching roamer attack. With all her force, Grace swung back and the wooden weapon collided against the back of it's head. Smearing red along the floor as she then jogged off to defend with Lexy.

Abdulhamid speared himself out of his tree, landing on the back of an attacker that caused Nez to scream as she stumbled across the floor. Musty ran out from behind, jump kicking the walker near Abz.

Manav, Azzam and Daniel huddled together, beating off the small horde with sticks and thin logs.

Filsan, another girl. With a darker skin tone, her slimness allowed her to slide through the gaps in-between the slow paced lurkers.

It was clear to them now that these 'people' had lost their minds. They were eating others and the only way for them to be stopped was through violence.

Maryam had finished moping about her friend Ebru and Bobby running off, chased by walkers.

Kaan was just about to suffer a bite when Maryam pushed him out of the way. The lurker then turned it's teeth to her but was instantly saved by Musty, who threw a bulky stone at it's face. Tearing into it's softened skin as it fell to the floor.

Maryam thanked him and Kaan thanked her before Abdulhamid, the leader of the group hollered.
"We need to leave! C'mon everybody come this way!"
Abdulhamid took to the front, beckoning everybody in.

Filsan leapt past her offenders, she was too scared to fight but she was agile and so she made it to Abz.

Kaan ran with Maryam who had saved him, they made it to him to as they followed behind, panicking.

Azzam, Daniel and Manav had just ended half a dozen roamers.
But there were still so many left. They had to leave the horde behind.

Musty sprinted with Nez's hand held firmly as she struggled to match his speed and intensity.

And then it was Grexis.
Lexy had already rushed along with everybody else. But she had to stop in her tracks. She knew something was wrong. 'Where the fuck's Grace', she thought.

Glaring around rapidly.
She noticed that behind them, Grace was on the floor.

The walker Musty threw his stone at was still undead.
The lurker ripped his way onto her, pulling her legs down as he jumped onto her body, hungrily.

She kicked and screamed, she squirmed under him but was too weak to push him off.

Lexy had been too far. Tears formed in her eyes, she was avoiding the fact that she was too late.

The other book smarts were pulling Lexy with them, telling her that there was nothing they could do, that Grace was too deep inside.

Infected were everywhere, going back was suicide.

Lexy was forced to leave, she was furious, stressed and emotional. The horde had covered up her sight of poor Gracie and she was nowhere to be seen.

The roamer on Grace sprung his head back up, readying to sink his teeth into her neck.

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