V _ "Cherokee Rose"

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The underdogs had taken refuge in an old, worn out little cottage. There was a main room with the open space and a private, sectioned off room.

Hafiz, Tarek, Jamou and Okur had been talking together in the bigger compartment. Tayfun and Bree kept to themselves behind a closed door.

With nothing other than a dusty beer bottle on a shelf, Tayfun had induced it unknowingly. It was only after he had quenched his tiring thirst when Hafiz mentioned that it was alcohol. Tayfun then pleaded for Hafiz not to tell anyone, he agreed and they hid the rather large, empty bottle.

As the four boys discussed consoles. Things were heating up between the gamer couple.

"You know how I feel about you. It's not that. Don't even bring that stuff up." Said Bree.
Frustratedly, Tayfun waltzed over from the other side of the room, struggling to stay upright.
"Then why don't you ever bring it up?" He asked, impatiently as he stood himself in front of her.
"I do. I am. Right now."
"Like, before this. You never did."
"What do you mean?"
"We never talk about this shit. About us."
Bree's face went into a scrunch. In awe as she spat back.
"Yes. We do."
"Name me one other time where we've talked about us."
"... You expect me to remember all of our conversations in only a few seconds do you!?"
"Exactly. If it was clear to you then you should know."
"You know what, I don't have to deal with this. Just-... Leave me alone."
Tayfun squinted at her. Barely able to verbalise himself, intoxicated as he continued.
"Bree. What do you want from me?"
"To be very honest with you. At the moment. I want nothing to do with you."
Tayfun rested himself next to her. He reached his arm around her but was too late before he encountered rejection.
She stood from the bed, levelling her position over him.

Hafiz, Tarek and Okur had their ears pressed against the door. Listening to the argument from the cabin living room. Trying hard not to snicker. Jamou sat far behind them, feeling guilty.

Bree made for the door. Tayfun stopped her, grabbing her arm back.
"Where are you going!?"
Her eyes fixated on his. She was even more riled up now that he had forced her to look at him.
"DON'T. Touch me." Pulling her arm free. Bree continued.
"Don't call me and you 'us' anymore."
"What's that supposed to mean!?"
Leaving him unanswered, Bree started once more towards the door.
She was dragged back and held firmly, Tayfun wrapped his arms tightly around her.
"Get. Off!"
Her body flailed around in his strong clasp.
"Shhhh- Shhhh- It's gonna be okay..."
Her palm darted right across his face with a dramatic sound affect.

He stood, dazed as she was finally able to wriggle free. Drunken Tayfun was about to snap as she walked back, steadily.

Outside the room, the boys had come to their senses about the elevation of the situation.

Tayfun's red face closed in on her. She cried for help as he pulled her in by the neck. After a mighty toss she landed, innocently on the floor and he stood over her with his hand raised. Ready for revenge.

Bree shakingly covered her mouth. He was going to punish her but they were intervened by the others as they barged through the door.

A long pause operated the area before Tayfun let his hand swipe her jaw.

Okur, Tarek and Hafiz rushed to pin him down, shouting things like "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" and "She's a girl you idiot!" Jamou kneeled down beside his companion Bree.

He tried to help her up but was pushed aside as she shot up.

Crying as she headed for the main entrance. The cabin door flung open and she forced herself out into the nightly breeze.

The black liner on her face was being washed down her face from the tears.


Finding my feet, I had ran deeper and deeper into the darkness. Bumping into logs and rocks.

That night I had given up on him, I left and never looked back.

Me being with them was the only reason they were still alive. They needed me, and if they weren't going to fight for me. Then they were already dead.

The humiliation. The four of them heard everything. Complete and utter fuckery. None of this was my fault. But... Why? What did he want?.. I didn't know and I didn't need to know.

I was fine on my own. Actually, I had always worked to the best of my ability as an individual anyway.

And so I ran. After hearing him call my name from the cabin. I knew he might have come looking. But I had gone too far for him to reach me. So I guess you could say that we had officially split up by then.

Anger was definitely tormenting my emotions. But I guess I was feeling more embarrassed that it happened.

It still hurt as my tears stung on his imprint while I bolted through Affliction.


Bree indeed made it quite far. But it wasn't long before she encountered a walking dead supervisor from Dimerous.


The lady teacher stood in front of me, dead. Gone. But I had been watching their kind for a while. They're not themselves, it's like The Walking Dead. If anyone's surviving this shit, it's me.

Forcing her back, I kicked her right in the abdomen and she doubled over.

Upping my momentum, I peered around, something small flickered in the corner of my eye.

The lady teacher, she had something glaring moonlight off of her. Crouching down.

I hadn't noticed it before, but as I pulled out the steel knife from her neck I was amuzed at how lenghthy it actually was while it was hidden.

A battle knife. But who stabbed her?

My little journey resumed when I spotted smoke, past hundreds of tree tops, smoke. From a fire.

People, I needed to make it there.
I had a weapon at least. Though I needed to find food, water and shelter.

No longer was I under a roof and so I couldn't stay out in the open for too long.

It was a game. And I was willing to play.

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