Chapter 26: She's Leaving Home

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A few days passed and it was the morning of our flight to England. It was 4am I was getting ready while Paul got our stuff ready to go. The door bell rang, I knew it was Jenny and Sylvia coming to go to the airport with us. 

"I got it!" Charlie yelled from downstairs, all I kept thinking was how I couldn't believe it was time to go to England. Time to leave where I grew up to go where Paul grew up. I walked into mine and Paul's bedroom for probably one of the last imes. The room was covered with our stuff I couldn't find Paul anywhere. 

"Paul?" I said as I looked for him, I felt him pick me up from behind. 

"Hey, babe," He said kissed my cheek as he put me down. 

"I was wondering, Paul... well I've met Mike but how are you going to introduce me to your dad?" I asked playing with his hand as I held it. 

"I'm going to tell him this is the love of my life and yes I married you… because you know he bugged me about getting you pregnant,” He said putting his arm around me.

“Also I wanted to know why you always blame yourself,”

“For what?”

“For like you say, you got me pregnant,” I said sitting on the bed where we had so many serious conversations and countless times of having sex.

“Well I did… it was my sperm,” He said smiling; I laughed a little at that.

“Well yeah I know but it’s not like you forced me into having sex with you. I do it because… I’m love with you. I’ve never felt so close to anyone like I feel during sex or anytime really at all," I said rubbing his back as I looked at the clock that read 4:30.

"Did you ever have sex with anyone else before me?" He asked it made me remember my first boyfriend.

 "Yeah.. and I had gotten pregnant but Rob made me get an abortion," I said as tears were in my eyes. 

"You never told me that.. why?" 

"Cause I don't know it was a secret between me and Rob nobody else ever knew..." I said as he held me close to him and wiped my tears away. 

"Is that why he was so proctective of you with me?" He asked, I just nodded. "Is that why you got so worked up when you found out we lost this baby?" He held me closer to him feeling his breath on me made me feel a little safe.

"Yeah cause I lost one baby and now I lost another.." I said as a few tear streamed down my face. He wiped them away and kissed my cheek. 

"I know what you mean.. but we got Mary she's healthy now, she's beautiful and just the best baby in the world," Paul said rubbing my back a little as a few more tears fell from my eyes.

"I know she really is..." I said smiling rubbing his chest a little as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "She's my everything, Paul... you and her I love you both more than anything in the world,"

"I know, I love you both more than anything... I really do, Dan," He said kissing my lips lightly I pushed back harder on his. He didn't pull away, I ran my fingers along his neck. He moaned a little into my mouth. We finally both pulled away before it turned into something more. He pulled on the to bed our backs laying flat staring at the ceiling. He took my hand and held it tight I looked over at him smiling at me. "Remember when we first had sex here?" I nodded, smiling a little at him. "That's my favorite night out of every night I've spent with you.."

"Why?" I asked playing with his fingers and intertwining ours together. 

"Cause in that moment when I felt so close and connected to you.. I knew you were mine, you were the only girl I ever wanted to have sex with. The only one I wanted to be with forever," He whispered squeezing my hand tighter.

"I know exactly what you mean.. but also the night you first kissed me. That was my favorite honestly, that night I felt you put like a spell on me. I wanted you so bad to be mine," I said as he blushed a little. 

"You're so beautiful, Dani.. really," He said as I smiled bigger cause I loved when he told me how beautiful I was even though I never thought I was at all. 

"You're more," I said as we sat up on the bed our hands still intertwinded together. I couldn't believe I still felt so head over heels in love with this man. I felt just like when we were first getting together he always made me feel so special. That's why I fell in love with him, that's why I stayed with him. 

"I think we should start to get ready to head to the airport," He said as we both got up off the bed. I got up and grabbed Mary in her carrier since Paul took apart her crib to take it to England. 


We pulled out of the driveway for the last time. I took one last good look at the house, the house that held so many memories. 

"Say goodbye to your first home, Mary," I said looking back at her and Charlie in the backseat. Jenny, Sylvia, John & George were in the other car behind us. "Is the car rental company going to come and pick up the cars from the airport?"

"Yeah, we just park them and leave the keys with the airport," Paul said as he looked to make sure he saw Jenny in his rearview mirror before he drove away down the street. He slowed down a little when we went past my old house. He usually would try to distract me cause he knew how it made me feel to see the house. 

"I can't believe this is the last time I'm going to see this place. The place I grew up.. the place I spent 17 years of my life," I whispered as I got one good last glance at the house. Charlie touched my shoulder from the backseat. 

"I know, Dani," He said as we were now past the house. We didn't really say anything for the rest of the car ride. We were just tired and a little too especially me and Charlie. It was just all so bittersweet we were leaving today. I looked back at Mary, she was sleeping I hated to wake her up now as we pulled into the airport parking lot.


All of us walked through the airport, through security and where you drop your baggage off. Paul held my hand while in the other arm he held Mary. 

"You'll like England, you may have to get used to it but I think you'll like it," Paul whispered to me as we walked into the like for our flight. 

"You think so? I hope I do... I'm doing this for you, you know," I said as we got closer to boarding the plane. Paul smiled a little when I said that. 

"You always said you wanted to run away somewhere,"

"I know but I said that in the moment when we were going through all that crap last year," I said as we got on the plane. 

"Yeah, I remember those days when I was just starting to fall in love with you," He said making me blush a little "I remember those almost 3 months we had to sneak around when Rob and your mom didn't let you see me," 

"Yeah, I remember that... I think them not wanting me to see you made me love you even more. Just thinking of having to live without you, made me want you more than anything in the world," I said as we sat down on the plane in our seats. Paul had Mary in his lap, Charlie sat on the other side of Paul and I sat by the window. John and George sat in the seats across the aisle from us as Jenny and Sylvia sat behind us. As the plane took off I started just looked out the window holding Paul's hand. I started to close my eyes as I drifted off to sleep on Paul's shoulder. Him and Charlie took turns holding Mary so they both could sleep a little it was the longest flight of my life. But it was all so worth it was the plane landed in Liverpool, England. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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