Chapter 16: My Love

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The rest of school year just went by like nothing, before we knew it, it was Paul's birthday and graduation. Tomorrow is our wedding. We had everything ready for the baby to be coming next month, everything was in our room. We were going to have her sleep in our so we didn't disturb John or George or Charlie during the night with her. We had the crib, a changing table, a ton of diapers, a carrier and a ton of clothes and toys. We had barely any room for our stuff but we didn't mind as the time for the baby grew closer. I was now nearly 8 months pregnant, I now couldn't wait any longer to have this baby. It was now the hottest summer in like 30 years and I could not take the heat especially being pregnant. I didn't get Paul anything for his birthday he said that marrying me and the baby would be enough. Paul's brother, Mike came in from England and  is staying with us until after the baby is born.

"Good morning, love," Paul said as I walked down the stairs with my graduation cap and gown on. He already had his on. We were just waiting on Jenny and Sylvia to come so we could leave for the school. 

"Happy Birthday, babe," I said walking into his arms as I got into the kitchen. "Let's get this over with,"

"What my birthday?" He asked laughing as he sat on the counter.

"No graduation," I said taking my cap off and putting it on the counter. 

"I thought you couldn't wait to graduate?" He asked laughing as John and George walked downstairs all dressed up.

"It's the hottest day of the year and I need to be dressed like this.." John muttered as he walked into the kitchen fixing his tie. We laughed because it was true none of us wanted to be dressed up today.

"That's exactly why right there.. it's hot I'm pregnant and we have to be wearing this sitting out in the sun for 2 hours," I said pointing to my gown. Paul laughed because he knew it so true. "John don't be complaining atleast you don't have to wearing a gown today on top it,"

"Yeah I'd be killing myself if I was you guys.. it's like 90 degrees outside and we have to sit out in the sun dressed like this," John said as Charlie walked in the kitchen he looked cute dressed up but he didn't want to be either. 

"It'll be all over with soon, don't worry darling," Paul said kissing my head.

"Hey don't I get a kiss?" John asked so seriously I couldn't control my laughing. "I'm serious," Even he couldn't keep himself from laughing. 

"No, John no you don't.. it's my birthday anyway," Paul said pushing John, we all laughing at them. I kissed Paul.

"Happy Birthday," I whispered to him as he hugged me tight in his arms. Mike walked downstairs as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, it's Jen and Syl," George said walking to the door, they walked in looking like they were in a worse mood than any of us.

"Let's get this all over with.. I can't wait to get this off," Sylvia said fanning herself with her cap. We all piled into two cars that John and Paul had just bought last month. In mine and Paul's there was us, Charlie, Mike and George. Then obviously with John was Sylvia and Jenny. 

We got to the school there were a million chairs all over. We could sit where ever we wanted but we were going to be called in alphabetical order. Jenny and Sylvia sat on my right side and Paul on my left. Susie sat in front of us, on prupose to hear us talking. 

"Why do we need these caps honestly?" I asked taking mine off as everyone started to pile in on the stage. The sun was right on us. "I swear this school wants us to die of heat stroke today," Paul laughed and held my other hand. 

"Would you shut up and get over yourself?" Susie said turning around at us. Her friend next to her laughed. 

"Why don't you? I'm so glad this is the last time I have to be forced to see your ugly face," I said as Paul laughed a little so did Jenny and Sylvia. Susie just sat back down and didn't say anything to us for the rest of  the ceremony. 

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