Chapter 6: A Day in the Life

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We just layed in bed together, we said nothing about what just happened. I had grabbed my "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" 45 before I ran out of my house. We listened to that for a while, Paul just held me, I was where I wanted to be and needed to be. I didn't feel safe unless I was in his arms. I didn't care if people didn't believe we loved each other because I knew we did. We eventually fell asleep as it got later. 

I woke up at almost 5 o'clock I figured I'd get dressed then wake Paul up at 6 if he doesn't get up before  then. I got in the shower, Paul was still sleeping and so was John and George. I thought about what was going to happen when Rob was released today, if he'd try to get at Paul or if he'd just blow it off until another time. I didn't know what was going to happen but I was scared. 

"Dan, you in the shower?" I heard Paul call from outside the bathroom, he was a little muffled from the water. 

"Yeah, I'm almost done," I said as I heard him walk away from the door. I turned the water off and grabbed my towel. I stepped out and walked into his room. To my surprise he was naked, turned around when I walked in. "Well you can get in.." I walked over laughing and hugged him. He pulled away and kissed my forehead

"Good morning my love," he said as he walked off to the bathroom. I got dressed and fixed my hair it immediately became curly as it started to dry. I just sat on his bed waiting for him, I looked around his room while I waited. I found a letter in his dresser drawer. It read:

Dear Dan, 

I know we've only known each other for a few days but.. I really like you. I think I love you actually. You're brother may not want us together and there may be other people who don't too. But who cares, right? Just remember in spite of all the danger, in spite of all that may be, I'll do anything for you, anything you want me to. 

All my love.. Paul 

I took it and stuck it in my pocket, I had tears in my eyes as I read it. He walked back in the room, I turned around and I hugged him as tight as I could. 

"I love you," I whispered into his chest, he rubbed my head. 

"I love you too," He whispered, I got on my toes and kissed his blackeye lightly it was getting better. "I should get dressed so we can go to school.." He pulled away and got some clothes to put on. He fixed his hair and got his backpack. He grabbed my hand and we walked out the bedroom door. 


School was okay, at lunch it was the usual with us. We talked about the weekend. We didn't really talk about what happened last night, that was more between me and Paul.

"I can't believe they're actually letting your scumbag of a brother out of that holding center,"  Sylvia said with her cigarette in her mouth. Paul had his arm around me. 

"I know.. you wanna come with me back to my house? He'll be there.." I said nervously. "I really don't want to go back home though.." I said my voice was breaking.

"It'll be okay," Paul whispered in my ear then kissed my forehead. 

"Yeah I wanna be there, I want to kick his ass," Sylvia said pounding her fist against the table. I didn't want to go home after school, I didn't want school to be over. 

"I want to know why your mom didn't stop Rob when he came running after me Saturday night," Paul said curiously as he smoked. 

"Because she's afraid of him and she doesn't believe we love each other. She doesn't care what Rob does anymore, she's basically oblivious to how bad he is," I answered him getting mad at how my mom treated me last night. 

In Spite of All the Danger (Paul McCartney fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ