Chapter 10: Real Love

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I woke up to seeing Paul laying next to me, I moved closer to him. It was just getting light out all I could really see was was his face, eyes closed. He was sleeping so soundly, I touched his forehead where there was a bandage. I didn't want to wake him, but I wanted to I couldn't stand not knowing what happened to him. There were some cuts on his hands and arms and he had a few bruises too. 

"Paul? Paul? Wake up, come on," I said shaking him he woke up he just looked at me, the sun was shining right on his face at that time. I could see he had a bruise on his cheek too. 

"What?" He whispered his voice was sore. It worried me on what happened to him, what could've happened at the store?

"What happened to you?!" I asked nervously he put his arm around me, he sat up a little holding me. 

"Well so.. I went to the store for things.. I'll show you later. But, a friend of your brother found me and he well he thinks I shot Rob because of how me and Rob didn't really get along, you know?" He touched the bandage on his head. "Well I tried to tell him I didn't.. why would I shoot your brother?! He was.. the love of my life's brother, why would I kill him? Yeah he did some stuff to me but that's no reason to kill him." He held me closer to him. "So he didn't believe me and he beat me up.. I tried to fight back but he was like Rob, he was strong.. stronger than me," 

"My baby..are you ok? Well, he's an asshole, okay. I don't get why he would think you though? Like you said why would you kill him?" I said putting my head on his chest, he kept rubbing his hand across my arm. 

"I'm okay I'm just a little scratched and bruised up. But,I don't know, I think he was.. drunk or mental or something. I honestly don't know," He said yawning a little he just kept me in his arms as we slid back down in bed under the covers. We knew it was getting light out and we weren't really tired to want to keep sleeping but we didn't want to get up. It just felt better to be in bed especially after everything we've been through together.

"So wait.. you said I'm the love of your life.. I am?" I whispered to him, he started to smile. He just nodded and kissed my head. 

"Yes," He said quietly in my ear. That was all I remember hearing before I fell back to sleep. I wanted to tell him he was mine too but I didn't have the strength to say much of anything else and neither did he.


I woke up and Paul was bringing in a big box into the bedroom with John, I could not imagine what he could've bought. I just sat up on the bed while they brought it in and set it near the window next to the dresser. I looked at both of them like they were half crazy but they didn't notice.

"What did you buy?!" I asked getting out of bed and looking at it I couldn't tell from the box it was just a plain cardboard box. 

"It's a surprise," Paul said smiling as he walked over to me was more bruised and cut than I thought. Before he could kiss me, I kissed him where ever I saw him hurt, he just blushed because John was standing right there. "Thank you for making me feel better," He laughed touching the bruise on his cheek. 

"No problem, it's all out of love," I laughed, I saw John smiling at us. "Oh okay what are you going to do send me somewhere else so I don't see it?" He shook his head and hugged me. 

"Yes," He was laughing so hard, I had to laugh myself. "I have Sylvia and Jenny waiting for you to get dressed they're taking you to the diner. George will come and get you when we're all done." 

"Okay, I'll go get dressed," I said laughing and walking to our closet. Walked to the bathroom and when I was done I was about to walk in and it was locked, "Paul!?" I knocked on the door.

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