Chapter 12: P.S. I Love You

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We walked into school the next day, hand in hand. I had my ring on, I didn't care who saw. We're in love, why should we care what other people think? We saw Susie she just looked at us disgusted like her plan to break us up didn't work. 

"Hey I see you guys are back together.." Sylvia said as we walked over to her and Jenny. Paul was still holding my hand, I still felt bad about the day before. 

"Yeah, but I feel bad now for not trusting him and overreacting like that," I said hugging him as we walked down the hall. 

"Well you know you reacting like that shows you really love him. You being jealous that some other girl even touched him shows you really love him," Jenny said smiling a little at us. She was right I couldn't stand the thought of him being with anyone else because he's mine. 

"You're mine," I whispered to Paul he smiled.

"You're mine too," He whispered back as he kissed me. Susie walked by us again I gave her a dirty look.

"I want to punch that ugly face of hers so bad," I said as Paul held my hand. "Here, Paul hold these," I handed him my necklace and ring as I ran over to Susie. "You bitch seriously you think Paul would dump me for you? You can't even get a guy let alone my guy?" 

"Well if he does love you so much why did he kiss me?" She yelled back at me people started to watch in the hall. 

"Are you stupid? You kissed him you pressed your lips against his! He never kiss you, never," I said as she slapped me. "You bitch! You can't stand to hear it that a guy wants me not you!" I punched her and then she punched me back. "He loves me.. he will never love you," She kicked me and then I punched her again. Then a teacher broke us up, sent us down to the office. 


I walked out of the office, Paul was waiting for me. He gave me my ring and necklace back. He hugged me tight that's what I needed.

"So what did they say?" He whispered as we walked down to my locker. I shrugged as he held my hand.

"Uh.. I'm suspended for 2 days, tomorrow and Thursday," I said closing my locker we walked down the hall to first period. "I was thinking about going to that therapist tomorrow,"

"That's a good idea.. do you want me to go with you?" He asked as we walked upstairs to first period, English.

"Uh if you want you don't have to it's fine," I whispered as we sat down in the back in English. Everyone looked at us espeically me, I didn't look at them.

"Are you sure? Cause I will," He whispered as we pretended to pay attention. 

"It's okay Paul.. I'll see you when you get home," I whispered back to him. We didn't say anything else after that.


At the end of the day we all walked out together, Paul holding my hand. "So you're suspended for 2 days a for standing up to that bitch?" Sylvia asked as we got outside. "I really hate this school.. why isn't it graduation yet?" 

"Yeah I'm glad I don't have to come here but it's stupid she only got one day," I said as we walked towards Paul's house. Everyone looked at me surprised. "Yeah.. I got in more trouble than her," I sighed as we got closer, we walked closer to pass my house. There were cops there and an ambulance, we all ran up to it. "Uh excuse me that's my parent's house..what's wrong?" 

"There was a murder, what it looks like is that your father I guess killed your mother.." The policeman said as I saw two other policemen put my father in one of the cars. The  police cars and ambulances drove off. I ran in the house it had an weird feeling lingering in it, Paul came up behind me I jumped.

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