Chapter 7: All Things Must Pass

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It was December 22, 1959, the day of Rob's funeral. I put on this black dress that Paul had bought for me. Paul showed up at my house no one said anything to him about being there, he came straight to my room. I was trying to keep myself together. Paul just hugged me when he walked in my room. 

"You look great," I said as he held me, he was wearing a suit and he had his hair fixed nice. "You smell really good too," I laughed, he smiled at me. 

"You do too, everything will be okay," He said just holding my hand. "What do you want to do tonight?" Tears started coming from my eyes as I looked around the room that was now just mine and Charlie's.  He wiped my tears away from my eyes. 

"I don't know just listen to some music, that's it. I want to get my mind off everything," I said as he just held me close. 

"Dani, come on, it's time to leave for the funeral," Charlie said coming in to the room. "You look pretty though," Me and Paul walked after him out of the room. He never let go of my hand, I didn't want him to. We got outside, it was the coldest day so far this winter. We got in the limo, me and Paul sat in a corner away from everyone else, Charlie sat with me too. But my parents sat with my aunts and uncles on the other side. My mother was watching me and Paul together. I had my head on his shoulder, he was humming songs under his breath to me, trying to calm me down. Our hands were still intertwined together, as we looked out the window when the limo started to pull away. A few tears fell from my eyes, Paul wiped them away.

"Don't cry you're too beautiful," he whispered to me, nobody else heard it but me, my mother just saw. Nobody said anything to each other on the way there it was all very quiet and upsetting. 


After the funeral we came back to my house just me, Paul, Charlie and my parents. I just wanted to go to bed for awhile, I just very distraught from the whole day. 

"Paul, I just wanted to tell you, thank you. For being there for Dani," I heard my mother tell Paul as he was walking into my room. 

"It was no problem, she's my love, I'll always be there for her," I heard him say, I ran out of my room and hugged him as tight as I could.  

"I love you too," I whispered, no one else heard but him. He smiled and took me into my room. We closed the door and just layed on my bed. "It's crazy how he.. how he is gone you know? He's my older brother, yeah he.. he was little crazy the past few months but he was still my brother," I looked over at his bed, we hadn't touched it still since he was still in it. 

"I know, he did a lot of stuff to me because of loving you but he was your brother, and now he's gone," He said just holding me, there was no light shining in, it was cloudy and cold. 

"I know, it's crazy. Paul, I have something else I have to tell you.." I said sitting up looking at him, he looked at me concerned. 

"What?" He asked holding my hand. I sollowed hard and looked him in the eyes, I started to cry.

"I found out the other day.. that I'm pregnant," I said to my surprise he was smiling. I started to smile my first in awhile. 

"Really? I'm so happy!" He said lifting me up and spinning me around. I was laughing in his arms, I realized this was the happiest thing for any of us at this time. "I don't know how we're going to do it but we will, we'll do whatever we can for this baby," He kissed me softly on my lips.

"I'm not telling my mom yet, she's not going to be happy though. She's already upset enough with Rob dying," I said pulling him into a kiss and then we just layed on the bed and fell asleep.  

 I woke up it was the middle of the night, no one was awake. Charlie wasn't even in our room, he must be on the couch I thought. I looked at Paul, he was sleeping like a baby which reminded me that we were having a baby. It was the only thing I was happy about at the moment. Christmas Eve is tomorrow and it's my first Christmas without Rob but my first with Paul. I just put my head closer into his chest as he slept, he's all I've ever wanted or needed. I quickly fell back to sleep though.


I didn't want to stay at my house, I couldn't stand being there. It brought back too many memories of  Rob, so Paul took me over to his house when we woke up. It was like a blizzard as we walked, I felt sick and Paul was holding me as tight he could. When we got in his house we didn't even say anything to John or George who were in the kitchen, we just went straight upstairs. I threw up in the bathroom up there and then layed on Paul's bed. He had just got a new camera, I had given him his Christmas gift early for being the best boyfriend ever. I had been saving up for it for awhile for him. He took a few pictures of me and when they printed them out he hung a couple on his mirror. 

"I needed some more of you in my room," He said smiling as he hung them on his mirror. I smiled as he put on of course my favorite song at the moment, "Venus". He'd been humming it for me at Rob's funeral, ever since it's the only thing that made me feel a little better. "Christmas Eve is tomorrow," He reminded me of pain, I was trying to forget. 

"I know.." I said sadly getting under the covers in his bed. "I've been trying not to think about it," He looked out his window, it was snowing so hard I couldn't see anything but white. I got up and walked over to him and just hugged him. "I can't go back to my house, Paul," I started crying on his shoulder. "I grew up with Rob in that house.. if I do I need you there. I can't sleep in that room with just Charlie, it'll remind me too much of Rob," For the past few days since Rob died I'd been at Paul's house more than at my own. If I was there it was just to sleep and Paul sneaked in to sleep with me. 

"It's okay.. we'll figure something out," He said holding me in his arms. I had just realized he was still dressed from yesterday, so was I. Venus just kept repeating in the background. "I don't want you to be sad, Dan, it's almost Christmas," 

"I know but that's why I am sad though," I said as he walked over to put a different song on. He put on "Blueberry Hill" and it made me smile a little.

"See you're smiling," He said taking me into his arms. "Remember this was playing in the diner that night?" He laughed referring to our first date.

"Yes.. I'll never forget.. you had to buy the 45 didn't you?" I laughed into his chest, he was smiling. "Thanks Paul,"

"For what?" He asked walking over to the closet and taking his clothes off. He changed into some type of pajamas. He threw me a big shirt of his. 

"For loving me, for caring about me, for just everything. For making me happy," I said changing into the shirt. "When I found you, I knew my dream came true," He picked me up and put me in the bed with him. "I was thinking for awhile though, that I got to like a therapist. Just so I could talk about everything and you know just get better," I looked at him he didn't say anything. "You know? So that I'm not always upset about Rob's death and everything," He nodded and smiled. 

"Okay, yeah that's a good idea.. you should maybe start after the new year maybe?" He said as I layed down and he pulled my head on to his lap. I was looking up at him, his perfect face. 

"Yeah, after the holidays... I just feel I need it you know?" I said as he rubbed my forehead as he looked down at me. "I've been through a lot not just in the past few months or days but in my life," 

"Yeah I know I think it's good for you to do, I want you to be happy," He said as he moved his hand to my stomach. "And don't forget.. we're having a baby, love," I smiled up at him, I was kind of wishing Rob was here to know even though he'd be mad. He'd been a good uncle to the it. \

"Yeah, Merry Christmas, Paul," I said smiling at him. He rubbed my cheek, I loved his hands. I kissed his hand as moved it down to my lips. "And I do love you.. so much," 

"I know you do.." He said as layed down, my head still in his lap. "I love you too," He put the radio on and we just layed there doing nothing. We didn't need to do anything, we just needed each other. 

In Spite of All the Danger (Paul McCartney fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora