Chapter 19: Any Time at All

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We were just starting to eat when we were heard crying coming from the baby monitor. I looked at Paul as he looked at me.

"Paul, you wanna get the bottle ready for her? And I'll go get her," I said standing up and walking toward the stairs.

"Yeah let me get it," He said as I walked upstairs. I walked in our room to Mary crying. 

"Honey... Mary it's okay, Mommy's here," I said picking her up she was still crying. "It's okay, Daddy's getting your bottle," I held her close in my arms, she kept crying as we walked down the stairs. Paul had the bottle ready when we got down to the kitchen. 

"Do you want me to feed her?" Paul asked handing me the bottle. I looked down at Mary as she started sip the milk.

"No it's okay, you can do it next time," I said holding her as I sat back down and ate more of my pizza. I held the bottle, she just looked up at me with those eyes. Paul was paying more attention to Mary than he was to his food. 

"She's been a good baby so far," John said taking a bite of his pizza. Paul smiled proudly at John, "I said so far, Paul she's only been home a few hours," I laughed a little as she looked up at me. 

"So you guys liking being parents so far?" Mike asked taking a sip of water he was drinking. I smiled because I was and I knew Paul definitely was.

"Yes.." Paul said starting to laugh as he looked at me I smiled at him. "Very much," He held his hands out to me.

"You want Mary?" I asked laughing a little holding her close to me as I fed her her bottle. He moved closer to me. 

"Yes please? I want to feed our daughter," He said as I handed Mary to him, he held her close to him as he fed her. He looked down at her with so much hope in his eyes. 

"You really love her don't you?" I whispered to him, his face was lit up with happiness. As he looked at me.

"Yes of course.. I had always said I loved her from the time you told me you were pregnant with her," He said taking the bottle out of her mouth, he burped her. He got her, her pacifier to suck on. She sucked on it and looked up at him. "I love you so much, Mary.. I'm so glad you're in my life," I smiled at him. Everyone had got up from the table by now but us. 

"I'm glad you're in my life too," I said to Paul, "Without you I.. I'd honestly be I don't even know where.. I obviously wouldn't be happy.. because I was never really happy until I met you. I wouldn't have Mary because well.. that goes without explanation," He laughed as she moved her arm.

"Yeah, if we didn't meet we would've never had sex and we wouldn't have the most beautiful daughter in the world," He smiled down at Mary. She looked back up at him, I loved how she looked at him. I've been hoping since she was born a week ago that she knew how loved she was. "Do you think if Rob was here.. he would be like all over her?"

"Yes, he was a very sweet person underneath all the hate he had.." I said feeling upset I hadn't thought of Rob in awhile, I've had my mind on Mary. "I know he would've been pissed knowing you got me pregnant but he would've known he was getting a niece out of it. Maybe he would've.. liked you knowing how much you love me.. and now Mary too," 

"Don't think about it.. I don't want you to be upset, baby," He said kissing me lightly on the lips, "I know you miss Rob but maybe when Mary's... older much older you could tell her about him. Well you can tell her about him as she grows up but not everything until she's older,"

"As in everything you mean him killing himself," I whispered with tears in my eyes, he didn't say anything he just nodded. 


In Spite of All the Danger (Paul McCartney fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora