For Good

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Be prepared for a sad ending to the chapter. Note: THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER!
Also note: When it starts as Micaela POV, that takes place directly after the last chapter, and when it goes to Alyssa's POV, that is later in the evening. Enjoy!

Third person POV
"Are we still going to hurt Alyssa in order to get Micaela out of hiding?" Officer Crumly asked Madame Mawful.
"After today's events, I have a feeling we don't need to. We already know that Micaela is still in New York City. Besides, there is one more thing," Madame Mawful said.
"What do you mean?"
Madame Mawful cackled. "I think Alyssa will lead us right to her."

Micaela POV
I ran as far away as I could until I reached my safe haven: the library. I vanished into the most deserted part and let out steam.
"What have I done? Is she okay? Surely Madame Mawful wouldn't hurt her, right? Right? Ugh," I babbled. "I wish I could do something! But what? Could I meet Alyssa somewhere? Could I go find her? I just hope Madame Mawful doesn't punish her too severely."
I paced around the area, digging my hands into my hair.
"Why did this happen to me? What have I ever done?" I cried in frustration.
I threw myself down onto a nearby chair and started thinking. You know, it all started in a place like this. That one day in the Zihs library, Madame Mawful heard me singing and invited me to an advanced drama class. If I hadn't been there, would Alyssa and I still be students? Would Madame Mawful had used some other unfortunate soul as her victim? That one moment changed it all.
I stood up from chair and left the library, weaving in and out of hidden alleys that only someone who had been under hiding would know about. Finally, I reached an area near my old home, but still close enough that if Alyssa-or Madame Mawful-came back, I would know.
On the streets, posters with my face on them were plastered on signs and newspapers. Go ahead, let them keep looking. Let them think they have a chance of getting me.
I will keep fighting until justice is served to me on a silver platter.

Alyssa POV
I snuck out of my room, looking left and right for Officer Crumly, who usually kept watch on me. To my surprise, he wasn't there. Once out of the hallway that my hotel room was in, I raced away under a black cloak. As I sped stealthily up and down the streets of New York City, the craziness of my rash plan. I hadn't thought, I just went. Sneaking and wandering I moved, hoping I remembered where I was going. When at least I reached an alley that looked familiar, I tip toed along, wondering if Micaela was still here.
"Alyssa," I heard her whisper. I looked up, smiling.
"Micaela. Thank goodness!" I breathed, running up to hug her. She stopped me.
"What are you doing here? It's dangerous!" She hissed.
My face grew solemn. "Micaela, it's not dangerous for me, but for you. Madame Mawful is out ti get rid of you, and I mean get rid of you get rid of you. I was scared for you."
"But why are you here? Madame Mawful could hurt you..." She began.
"She won't hurt me, she needs me. Micaela, I love you too much. I can't keep living like this, without you. You have changed me more than I could possibly know. Please don't push me away. I know you think you are protecting me, but you aren't. You can only protect me when I am with you because then you will be protecting my heart."
She stared at me with shock, and the she laughed. I was grateful to hear her laugh again. "You sound like you're proposing to your lover."
I laughed, too, thankful that I could actually laugh again. "You know I didn't mean that that way."
"I know, Alyssa. I...I love you, too. Before I met you, I was naïve and lonely. I wasn't sure if I would ever find a friend at college, and if you weren't there, I don't think I would have. You helped me see the true beauty in me. I now love my green skin. I can't believe Doctor Darel was right and we are actually in this situation, but now that we are, I never want the next part to happen. Alyssa, I'm glad I met you, even if we've had these downfalls. I guess the only thing I can say is...because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
I had never been so gleeful to hear someone quote song lyrics. I hugged Micaela so tightly that I thought she would shatter, and she hugged back so much it surprised me, considering she was not one for affection.The sound of police sirens caused us to break apart.
"You have to go, you can't be seen here," Micaela whispered, pushing me towards the shadows.
"What? No! I'm staying! I can help you!" I countered.
"Please," She looked at me with an intense pleading in her pale eyes, willing me to listen. "I ran when you told me to, do this for me. I can't let you get caught up in this."
She took a deep breath. "Promise me you won't try to get me out of the police's custody."
"Micaela, I'm already caught in this. Just let me-" I started.
"Promise me."
I looked at her, trying to understand what she was saying. "Alright. I promise."
She relaxed visibly. "I love you, Alyssa. I love you like a best friend should."
"I love you, too," I responded, wiping away a tear before it could fall.
"Hide over there. Quick! Before they come!" Micaela muttered, pointing to a hidden area.
I obeyed, deciding if I should break my promise or keep it. I knew I would keep it.
Soon after I was hidden, I heard voices yell, "on your knees! You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law."
I refused to listen to anything else they said. Tears rolled down my face silently. I could not even see another glimpse of Micaela. The cars zoomed away, and I was left in my spot for another ten minutes. When I knew that the tears weren't stopping, I rose from my spot on the dirty ground. I was about to leave when something caught my eye. I reached behind a piece of wood and grabbed two objects. My tears came harder as soon as I saw the items. The first was the witch hat that a guy at the Zihs dance had given her. Micaela had worn it with her skin green and danced horribly. The second was the Grimmerie that she had bought when we went to Wicked the other week. On the inside cover was a note.
"Alyssa. This is yours now."
I hugged the things to my chest and walked out of the dreadful alley. Luckily, I had brought money, so I got a hotel room at the closest hotel.
Even though I was going to live with Madame Mawful anymore, there was something I had to do first. I called the police and went to the apartment.
With police officers flanking my sides, I opened the door to Madame Mawful's hotel room.
"Oh Alyssa! You are here! I was worried! Thank you, officers, for bringing her home," Madame Mawful ran over to hug me, put I held out my hands.
"That's not why they're here," I snarled.
Madame Mawful stopped abruptly and stared in fear.
"You are under arrest for the assistance in the murder of Doctor Darel. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law," The officers said, hand cuffing Mawful. Two more policemen dragged the fake officer, Crumly, from down the hallway.
I smiled as they were led down the hall.
"Goodbye, Morrible!" I shouted.
I went to my own hotel room and gathered my few belongings to take to my own hotel room.
After half an hour, I was settled on a hotel bed with the TV on, flipping through channels. When I saw a familiar face, I stopped changing the channel.
"Micaela Pine was captured today, but on the way to the police station, the car caught fire. It is suspected that no one survived."
My heart stopped.
"NO!" I yelled.
But she was gone. There was no bringing her back now.
"Micaela?" I whispered to nothing in particular.
Silence greeted me, and I burst into tears.
She was gone.

Please comment! The more comments I get, the sooner I'll update next!

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